Bannikov, A. L.2023-10-242023-10-242023Bannikov A. L. Thermodynamic assessment of washoil polymer formation [Electronic resource] / A. L. Bannikov // An Innovative Model of Research Projects Aimed at the Integration of Ukraine into the European Scientific Space : [bk. of abstr.] an Annual Intern. PhD Conf., April 27, 2023 / National Technical University "Kharkov Polytechnic Institute". – Electronic text data. – Kharkiv, 2023. – P. 7-10. assessment of degradation processes of recycled wash oil during operation of benzene units allows to establish the influence of technological factors on oil specific consumption and to evaluate the quality of fresh oil by additional parameters. The main factors of the processes affecting the yield of resin like substances and the q uality of wash oil were determined.enwashing oilresinspolymerizationthermodynamic evaluationThermodynamic assessment of washoil polymer formationArticle