Shein, E. S.Shein, OleksiiPererva, P. G.2023-12-222023-12-222023Shein E. State regulation of demand in the market of tourist services / E. Shein, О. Shein, P. Pererva // Актуальні питання сучасної економічної науки : [зб. матеріалів] 6-ї Всеукр. наук.- практ. конф., 5 грудня 2023 р. / редкол.: О. В. Безкровний [та ін.] ; Полтав. держ. аграр. ун-т. – Полтава : ПДАУ, 2023. – С. 398-400. has been proven that the development of tourism in Ukraine generates a new, very dynamic form of consumer demand, which with the movement of the consumer from the place of permanent residence, and even with the growth of the economic standard of living of the population. These factors play an extremely important role in the development of demand for tourist goods and services.endemandtourism businesspartnersclientsfactorsservicesState regulation of demand in the market of tourist servicesДержавне регулювання попиту на ринку туристичних послугArticle