Khanina, OlenaHladchenko, AnatoliiLavrentii, DmytroKuzmenko, HannaKruhlov, VitaliiKryzyna, Olena2024-04-042024-04-042024Mechanisms of state management of personnel development of the health care system / O. Khanina [et al.] // Economic Affairs. – Electronic text data. – 2023. – Vol. 69. – P. 187-195., managerial, and socioeconomic transformations within the framework of prioritized vectors for integration into the European community necessitate the revision of democratic principles. This involves the formulation of an innovative conceptualization of public administration in the healthcare sector and the enhancement of mechanisms facilitating human resource development in alignment with international norms and standards. The objective of this investigation is to furnish a comprehensive analysis of the mechanisms governing the public administration of human resources development in the healthcare sector in Ukraine. The study employed general scientifi methods of cognition, including logical and structural analysis, comparison, abstraction, induction and deduction, specifiation, generalization, and formalization. The paper delineates the theoretical underpinnings of the state administrative policy regarding staffi within the medical domain and elucidates current trends in its evolution. The investigation has cultivated the conviction that the enhancement of human resource management in the healthcare sector constitutes a primary focus for the transformation of the national medical system. The study affis that human resources serve as the foundational element for resource provision within the examined industry. It is established that the presence of personnel, coupled with their appropriate qualifiations and distribution system, delineates the requisite standard for the delivery of medical services. The primary factors inflencing the formation and execution of state personnel policy are identifid. The imperative for the high-quality professional training of specialists within the industry is substantiated. Throughout the investigation, it was determined that strategic alterations in the paradigm of public health management serve as a prerequisite for enhancing the overall level of health and well-being among the population. The primary trajectories for the establishment of state policy in the domain of medical care in Ukraine in the future have been delineated. The practical signifiance of the research fidings lies in their potential utility within the context of shaping and implementing an effctive personnel policy aimed at ameliorating performance within the studied fild.enHR managementHR strategymotivationstaf developmentdecision support systemMechanisms of state management of personnel development of the health care systemArticle