Petrukhnov, O. V.Negliad, A. V.Lyashenko, Vyacheslav2023-12-232023-12-232023Petrukhnov O. V. Development of the Energy Sector in the Display of Key Exchange Indices [Electronic resource] / O. V. Petrukhnov, A. V. Negliad, V. Lyashenko // International Journal of Academic Management Science Research. – Electronic text data. – 2023. – Vol. 7, iss. 6. – P. 69-75. – Access mode:, free (date of the application 23.12.2023.). development makes it necessary to provide a sufficient amount of resources and sources of their receipt. Among such objects, a special place is occupied by those that allow you to receive energy. This type of resource is important for the implementation of all types of activities and the functioning of any types of business entities, households. Obtaining this resource is associated with the use of minerals or the possibility of using renewable sources. In the first case, it is important to know the availability of minerals, which is generally determined by the dynamics of the respective prices. These prices are formed as a result of trading on the stock exchange and are determined by the dynamics of the respective stock indices. We consider various exchange indicators. The dynamics of the relationship of such indices is also considered. The paper presents a series of graphs and charts that allow you to understand the progress of the study. The results obtained make it possible to assess the dynamics of the development of the global energy sector.eneconomyenergyresourcespetroleumgastraditional resourcesgreen energystock indiceswavelet coherencestatistical analysisDevelopment of the Energy Sector in the Display of Key Exchange IndicesArticle