Mukina, N. V.Miroshnichenko, D. V.2022-09-182022-09-182022Mukina N. V. Coking of stamped coal batch. Yield of chemical products / N. V. Mukina, D. V. Miroshnichenko // Сучасні технології переробки пальних копалин : тези доп. 5-ї Міжнар. наук.-техн. конф., 14-15 квітня 2022 р. / Нац. техн. ун-т "Харків. політехн. ін-т", Держ. п-во "Укр. держ. н.-д. вуглехім. ін-т (УХІН)" ; уклад. Д. В. Мірошниченко. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ" ; Тернопіль : Крок, 2022. – С. 13-15. that coal may be oxidized and the yield of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide cannot be predicted from the volatile matters, mathematical formulas describing the yield of the basic coking products as a function of the elemental composition of the initial stamped coal batch are derived. It is found that, with increase in the content of gas coal (and hence in the volatile matter) in the stamped batch, the coke yield declines, but there is a higher yield of tar, benzene, carbon dioxide, pyrogenetic moisture, and coke-oven gas.encoalcokecoking batchstampingcokingproduct yieldmathematical formulasCoking of stamped coal batch. Yield of chemical productsThesis