Shapoval, MarianaPovoroznyuk, RoksolanaNovytska, OksanaGolikova, OksanaNykytchenko, KaterynaMyroshnychenko, Viktoriia2024-12-102022The semiotic approach to literary translation / Mariana Shapoval [et al.] // Postmodern Openings. – 2022. – Vol. 13, iss. 1, sup. 1. – P. 377-394. current study aims to make an overall semiotic analysis of translation strategies used to reproduce the imagery and relevant cultural features in John Fowles’ “The Collector.” Regarding literary translation as a cross-cultural dialogue aimed to achieve both artistic and aesthetic effects contributes much to analyzing the semiotic features of the translated discourse and deciphering the relevant socio-cultural information decoded in the source language text. Therefore, it has been decided that translation is a communicative act that facilitates the transfer of meaning in a cross-cultural perspective and focuses on reproducing the source language semiosphere. The semiotic approach is well-established in translation studies with the subtlety of methods and criteria. Therefore, it was considered that the analysis of lexico-semantic, grammatical and stylistic translation strategies would usefully supplement and extend the scope of literary text research. In the current study, comparing the source and target language texts has shown that the translator employs various translation transformations to transmit the author’s pragmatic intent and socially relevant information in the target language.entranslation strategytranslationsemiospherecross-cultural dialogueliterary textpragmatic intentsource and target language textThe semiotic approach to literary translationArticle