Moroz, KarynaPererva, P. G.2024-12-272024Moroz K. Innovative forms of financial assistance to Ukraine [Electronic resource] / Moroz Karyna, Pererva Petro // Marketing of innovations. Innovations in marketing : materials of the Intern. Sci. Internet Conf., December 2024 / ed. S. Illiashenko ; Univ. of Economics and Humanities. – [E-edition]. – Bielsko-Biala : WSEH, 2024. – P. 31-134. report substantiates that innovative forms of financial assistance to Ukraine are financing mechanisms that differ from traditional loans or grants in flexibility, efficiency, and technological innovations. Their goal is to support economic recovery, stimulate innovation, and integrate Ukraine into global financial and economic processes.enfinancial assistancefundsmethodstypesorganizationeconomic processesInnovative forms of financial assistance to UkraineІнноваційні форми фінансової допомоги УкраїніArticle