Babenko, VitalinaBoichenko, O. I.Gusliev, AndriiKoniaieva, Yelyzaveta2019-10-242019-10-242019Increase of innovative susceptibility of personnel in industrial enterprises / V. Babenko [et al.] // Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research. Vol. 99 : Proc. of the 7th Intern. Conf. on Modeling, Development and Strategic Management of Economic System (MDSMES 2019), Ivano-Frankivsk and Polyanytsia village, October 24-25, 2019. – Amsterdam : Atlantis Press B.V., 2019. – P. 367-370. modern conditions of innovative development, the most important resource of production companies and corporations is the innovative susceptibility (IS) of personnel. The key to this is an innovative organization of Human Recourse Management System (HRMS). Accordingly, the task of the study is to analyze the typical HRMS structures of Ukrainian enterprises in comparison with the global ones in order to form an innovative HRMS development strategy and, on this basis, to increase IS of stuff. The goal of this study is to compare the levels of HRMS development in advanced global companies and Ukrainian enterprises in the field of industrial automation. As part of this study, methodological, statistical analysis method of technical and economic characteristics of Ukrainian and world leaders of enterprises in the field of industrial automation are used. The research methodology consists in processing and disclosing theoretical and methodical units and practical recommendations, which requires the use of innovative personnel using personal industrial enterprises engaged in industrial automation. The HRMS has an impact on personnel, and personnel has an impact on HRMS, without enhancing the personnel IS HRMS will not give positive results from the introduction of innovative innovations in the innovative activities of the IS personnel.eninnovative susceptibilitypersonnelHuman Recourse Management Systemorganizational structuremanagement structureindustrial enterprisesIncrease of innovative susceptibility of personnel in industrial enterprisesThesis 0000-0001-9128-718Х