Tverdokhliebova, Natalia YevheniivnaLiu Yujun2024-07-252024-07-252024Tverdokhliebova N. Ye. Industrial safety at chinese enterprises on the example of zijin mining company / N. Ye. Tverdokhliebova, Liu Yujun // Інформаційні технології: наука, техніка, технологія, освіта, здоров'я = Information technologies: science, engineering, technology, education, health : тези доп. 32-ї міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. MicroCAD–2024, [22-25 травня 2024 р.] / ред. Є. І. Сокол ; уклад. Г. В. Лісачук. . – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2024. – P. 392.'s scientific and technological strength is moving from quantitative accumulation to qualitative leap, from point breakthrough to system capacity improvement, and making new historic achievements in scientific and technological innovation.ensafety production licenseproduction safetycontrol occupational hazardsIndustrial safety at chinese enterprises on the example of zijin mining companyArticle