Boiko, AnatoliGovorushchenko, YuriUsaty, A. P.Rudenko, Oleksii2015-02-032015-02-032014Optimal design of gas turbines flow paths considering operational modes / A. Boiko [et al.] // Proceedings of the ASME 2014 4th Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting and 12th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels (FEDSM2014), August 3-7, 2014. – Chicago, Illinois, USA. – 9 pp. new technique for multi-parameter optimization of gas turbines flow paths considering a variable mode for their operation is presented. It allow s the estimation of the influence of flow path optimization on performance parameters of gas-turbine units, such as power, efficiency, and fuel consumption. An algorithm for turbine flow path multi-criteria optimization that takes into account the gas-turbine unit operation mode is shown. Approaches to speed up the optimization process are described. Using this technique GT-750-6M low pressure turbine flow path optimization based on real working loads during one year is carried out and the results are analyzed. Due to optimization the unit efficiency was improved at all operating modes. The total fuel economy for considered period makes 50.831 t.enoptimal designgas turbineflow pathoperational modemulti-parameter optimizationfuel consumptionoperating load variabilitynumerical methodоптимальне проектуваннягазова турбінапроточна частинарежим експлуатаціїбагатопараметрична оптимізаціявитрата паливазміна робочого навантаженнячисловий методOptimal design of gas turbines flow paths considering operational modesArticle