Sakhnenko, Mykola DmytrovychStepanova, Iryna IhorivnaStepanova-Kamchatna, Kateryna ValeriyivnaYermolenko, Iryna Yuriyivna2024-12-262021Comparable researches of photocatalytic activity of the metal-oxide systems on the basis of titan and his alloys, doped D-elements under PEO conditions [Electronic resource] / Sakhnenko Mykola Dmytrovych, Stepanova Iryna Ihorivna, Stepanova-Kamchatna Kateryna Valeriyivna, Yermolenko Iryna Yuriyivna // Science, innovations and education: problems and prospects : рroc. of the 5th Intern. sci. and practical conf. – Electronic text data. – Tokyo, Japan : CPN Publishing Group, 2021. – P. 292-301. – Received from, free (accessed 26.12.2024)., W-, Mo- and Zn-containing hetero-oxide nanostructured coatings on titanium formed by the method of plasma-electrolyte oxidation in the galvanostatic mode from alkaline electrolytes was studied. The obtained metal-oxide compositions were investigated by X-ray phase analysis. It is shown that depending on the composition of the electrolyte and the modes of plasma-electrolytic oxidation, it is possible to change the phase composition of the coatings and the topography of the surface. All the obtained coatings showed photocatalytic activity in the decomposition reactions of an aqueous solution of methyl orange dye under UV irradiation, and their photocatalytic activity depends on the composition and content of dopants.enplasma-electrolyte oxidationphoto-catalytic activityhetero-oxide coatingstitanium alloysd-elementsComparable researches of photocatalytic activity of the metal-oxide systems on the basis of titan and his alloys, doped D-elements under PEO conditionsArticle