Liu, YujunЄвтушенко, Наталія Сергіївна2023-11-252023-11-252023-11-09Liu Y. Analysis and reflection of the current situation in the field of occupational health and safety management in Сhina construction enterprises / Y. Liu, N. Yevtushenko // Актуальні питання охорони праці у контексті сталого розвитку та європейської інтеграції України = Topical Issues of Occupational Safety in the Context of Sustainable Development and European Integration of Ukraine : матеріали 4-ї Міжнар. наук.-практ. інтернет-конф. студентів та молодих науковців, 09-11 листопада 2023 р. / Харків. нац. ун-т міськ. госп-ва ім. О. М. Бекетова. – Харків : ХНУМГ ім. О. М. Бекетова, 2023. – С. 94-97. the continuous development and progress of China's economy, people pay more and more attention to safety in the production operation. China has issued a series of laws, regulations, regulations and safety technical standards in road and bridge construction safety production management, and has established a relatively complete organization system of road and bridge construction safety management, and road and bridge construction safety management has also made remarkable achievements. However, the accident frequency is still at a high level in road and bridge construction.enlabor protectionlabor protection auditworking conditionsoccupational safetyіAnalysis and reflection of the current situation in the field of occupational health and safety management in Сhina construction enterprisesArticle