Cherkashina, A. N.Lebedev, V. V.2024-03-132024-03-132022Cherkashina A. N. Research of structuring processes of epoxy and acrylic polymer composite [Electronic resource] / Cherkashina A. N., Lebedev V. V. // Modern scientific research: achievements, innovations and development prospects : proceedings of 14th Intern. sci. and practical conf., Berlin, Germany (July 17-19, 2022) / ed. Komarytskyy M. L. – Electronic text data. – Berlin : MDPC Publishing, 2022. – P. 85-87. – URL:, free (accessed 13.03.2024). and acrylic polymer compositestructuring processeschemical analysis methodsepoxy compounds structuredspectral methodsResearch of structuring processes of epoxy and acrylic polymer compositeArticle