Yamen, El MirSinkevich, Irina2022-10-022022-10-022021Yamen E. M. Obtaining process fuel from heavy oil residues / E. M. Yamen, I. Sinkevich // Сучасні технології переробки пальних копалин : тези доп. 4-ї Міжнар. наук.-техн. конф., 15-16 квітня 2021 р. / Нац. техн. ун-т "Харків. політехн. ін-т", Держ. п-во "Укр. держ. н.-д. вуглехім. ін-т (УХІН)", Півн.-Сх. наук. центр НАН і МОН України ; уклад. Д. В. Мірошниченко. – Харків : Планета-Прінт, 2021. – С. 50-52.https://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/58294The scientific and technical literature along with refineries technological structure has been analyzed from the heavy petroleum residue utilization viewpoint. It has been determined that the necessity of reduction of high-viscosity sour ash-rich residual fuel oil output exists. The combination of thermal decomposition, hydrogenolysis, and gasification of heavy residues has been shown to be proposed to solve the above problem. The visbreaking process upgrading expediency has been proved from the point of view of Belarusian refineries technological structure. The heavy oil fraction thermolysis intensification has been shown to be possible due to the use of activating additives of chemical compounds.enoil residuesthermal crackingcatalytic crackinghydrocrackingObtaining process fuel from heavy oil residuesObtaining polymer-containing bitumenThesis