Фидровская, Мария Георгиевна2020-11-122020-11-122018Фидровская М. Г. Концепция Эпикура в свете вызовов современной науки / М. Г. Фидровская // Філософія та політологія в контексті сучасної культури. – 2018. – Т. 10, № 1-2 (22). – С. 70-78.https://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/49239Человеку всегда сопутствует его память и забвение. Но никогда не поздно вспомнить, кем же человек является на самом деле. А именно человеком чувствующим, человеком живым. Парадигма науки, которая пошла за атомизмом Демокрита, продолжает собирать и разбирать мир. Мы сделали то же с человеком, но забыли, кем он и мы сами являемся. Поэтому мы предлагаем обратиться к философии Эпикура, чтобы вспомнить, кто мы на самом деле. Именно Эпикур с эмпатией отнесся к человеку и предложил свою концепцию, в которой отправными точками стали категории приятного и неприятного. Именно они являются, по Эпикуру, главными в постижении человека и выстраиванию его счастливой жизни.Oblivion and memory always follow a human being. It is never too late to remember who we actually are. Human is a creature with feelings, we are the creatures that are alive. A paradigm of science having followed Democritus continues to assemble and disassemble the world. We did the same thing with a human, but we forgot who he is and who are we. Of that reason we propose applying the philosophy of Epicurus to remember who we actually are. It was Epicurus who empathized human and suggested his own concept where pleasant and unpleasant were main points. According to Epicurus they are main features for understanding human and making his life happy. We are so used studying human as a mechanism which works thanks to our parts (organs) that we completely forgot to understand its essence. According to Democritus as it has been taken as a principle we learnt to disassemble the world and ourselves but we don’t understand their meanings. In such condition most of all suffer sciences that are concerned with psychology and biology. The progress actually reached the dead end in some meanings. By this we mean that in some sciences stopped to understand the process that they observe. Their work turned to picking up the meaning to a process, thus was also in Chemistry when scientists not knowing general laws of nature tried to mix up everything with everything. We suggest that all these problems can be explained and that this alley could be the philosophy. We have been too long with one philosophical paradigm. Of course, it gave its fruits and our society now is very developed. But its time passed and it is time to pull out something new from the philosophy to add the comprehension of the processes and new task for the science. In this work we will consider the concept of Epicurus to understand whether he suits to our hypothesis about pleasant and unpleasant described in our previous works and the subject of our work of DPh. The concept of Epicurus seem to suit very well to our hypothesis and besides it, is one of the most original concepts of Greek philosophers excepting his physics, where he supports the learning of Democritus and his atomism. Except the atomism his concept is original and authentic. The grounding feature of Greek philosophy is the originality of the concepts of Greek philosophers. If the ones are not the students of a particular philosopher they mostly never repeat his learning in their concept and moreover, their concept is some sort of a unique nugget. Being grounded on a Logics and wisdom the variety of their concept seem to outline every possibility of human mind’s way to follow. All afterwards philosophy seem to be not so original and in many ways it has something in common between their concepts and the concepts of ancient philosophers like the Spirit of Hegel and the air of Anaximenes. Although we should say that some subjects that now are considered in the philosophy were not considered in ancient Greece like the concept of the time. Of that reason those concepts in more modern philosophy are quite original although sometimes to those concepts lack the wisdom of the reason that philosophers forget that philosophy is more love to wisdom than the love to logical science. Greek philosophy is wise enough and that was shown in the fact that was told above. Many Greek philosophers foresaw many openings of science and some of them like the concept of Democritus were taken to the science for so on.ruприятноенеприятноеатомизм ДемокритадушаДиоген ЛаэрцийКонцепция Эпикура в свете вызовов современной наукиThe Concept of Epicurus of challenges of Modern SciencesArticle