Kuzmenko, L. V.Larka, M. I.2016-04-252016-04-252007Kuzmenko L. V. The Comparative Analysis of Attendant Subdivision’s Formalized Cost Sharing Methods (Csm) / L. V. Kuzmenko, M. I. Larka // VI. Nemzetközi Konferencia a közgazdász képzés megkezdésének 20. évfordulója alkalmából, október 10-11. Miskolc. – Miskolc-Lillafüred : ME GTK, 2007. p. 186-191.https://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/21098The comparative analysis of the formalized earlier by us methods of expenses distribution by criteria of exactness, labour – intensiveness and self-descriptiveness is executed. It is shown, that the two-stages method of the mutual distribution most precisely and in details describes process of expenses distribution of the attendant subdivisions, insignificantly conceding to the other methods by labour – intensiveness.enThe Comparative Analysis of Attendant Subdivision’s Formalized Cost Sharing Methods (Csm)Article