Методика расчета характеристик осевого компрессора на срывных режимах













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В работе представлена методика расчета характеристик осевого компрессора на срывных режимах работы. Результаты расчета показали, что учет характеристик режимов запирания течения в межлопаточных каналах последних ступеней позволяет более точно расчитать положение границы газодинамической устойчивости на характеристике многоступенчатого осевого компрессора. Расчетное значение границы газодинамической устойчивости сдвигается вправо - в сторону больших расходов воздуха. Из.: 4. Библиогр.: 11 назв.
One of the most pressing problems in the design and creation of gas turbine engines is to define the boundaries of dynamic stability of multistage axial compressors. This paper presents a method of calculating the characteristics of a multi-stage axial compressor Hot galvanized anti tearing modes with the modes of "blocking" flow in the last stages. The general problem is solved using the method of calculating the characteristics of the compressor based on the summation of the characteristics of its stages. Refinement of this method is that the stability boundary of a multistage compressor is calculated taking into account the effect of the boundary layer on the flow in the last stages of interscapular channels operating at large negative angles of attack on the regime of "blocking" flow. As the results of the design study, locking flow in the last stages of the compressor leads to a shift of the calculated values of dynamic stability boundary to the right (in the direction of higher air flow). In a gas turbine engine parameters change the thermodynamic throttling motor is an order of magnitude faster than the change in the kinematic parameters of the rotor (RPM), and therefore the operating point moves along the pressure line to the border closing Airflow (almost at a constant given speed). As a result of closing during the last stages of flow separation is initiated in the early stages. All known techniques dynamic stability calculation is made without taking into account the processes occurring at shutoff flow in the last stages. The survey revealed that the occurrence of locking modes are strongly influenced by the flow (thickness, angles of the) (bending angles midline, the relative thickness of the profile and the relative position of the point of maximum thickness along the chord of the profile). Calculation of dynamic stability in a known manner, taking into account the characteristics of flow regimes locking allows for more precise placement of dynamic stability characteristics in the axial multistage compressor using the proposed method.


Ключові слова

газотурбинные двигатели, запирание течения, межлопаточные каналы, газодинамическая устойчивость, компрессорные решетки, аэродинамические характеристики, locking, grid, for, breakdown, gas-dynamic stability, payment mode

Бібліографічний опис

Терещенко Ю. М. Методика расчета характеристик осевого компрессора на срывных режимах / Ю. М. Терещенко, Е. В. Дорошенко, А. Техрани // Вестник Нац. техн. ун-та "ХПИ" : сб. науч. тр. Темат. вып. : Новые решения в современных технологиях. – Харьков : НТУ "ХПИ". – 2014. – № 48 (1090). – C. 41-47.




