Вісник № 28
Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/23487
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Документ Совершенствование схемы электроснабжения и защиты двухскоростных асинхронных приводов(НТУ "ХПИ", 2010) Сивокобыленко, Виталий Фёдорович; Лебедев, Виктор Константинович; Ковязин, Алексей Викторович; Сердюков, Роман ПетровичThe paper offers the new circuit of connections of the dual-speed asynchronous motor of the high power 6-10 кV, used by power stations and others enterprises, allowing to reduce capital investments for creation of more rational power supply circuit, and also to improve reliability of ground faults protection and at its outputs terminals at the expense of parallel connection of zero-sequence current transformers, and also to restrict the appearing overvoltages by connecting the corresponding restraining voltage device to the motor output terminals.Документ Повышение пропускной способности кранового шинопровода морского порта(НТУ "ХПИ", 2010) Радимов, Сергей Николаевич; Беляев, Владимир Леонидович; Ковченко, Андрей ВладимировичReasons of failures of voltage on busbar a feed-in port cranes «Sokol», at imposition of work of mechanisms of getting up of a few cranes are exposed. It is set that by principal reason of such failures exceeding the requirements of standard of quality of electric power, is inductive resistance of phases of busbar. Application of cables in a crane network substantially promotes its carrying capacity, which allows at the end of moorage to set the electrohydraulic crane of the LIEBHERR firm, possessing higher carrying capacity and boom.Документ Регулируемые электроприводы толстолистового прокатного стана и качество питающей сети(НТУ "ХПИ", 2010) Помазановский, О. А.; Промышлянский, М. А.; Скидан, Н. Н.In this article have been examined the questions of quality of power system during engineering of plate mill with application the equipment of ABB Ltd.Документ Некоторые вопросы экономичности и надежности электрохозяйства энергоемких предприятий(НТУ "ХПИ", 2010) Назарок, В. И.; Антонов, В. Г.In this article have been examine the question of reliability of improvement of high-voltage power network at the expense of high harmonic components attenuation due to phase compensating equipment (AREVA – NOKIAN CAPACYTORS) on demand side.Документ Експериментальне визначення параметрів трифазного струмопідводу установок електродугового нагріву(НТУ "ХПІ", 2010) Марущак, Ярослав Юрійович; Кравець, Ігор Петрович; Мусихіна, Наталія ПавлівнаThe technique of experimental determination of short network parameters of electric arc furnaces is proposed. The expressions to calculate the values of their own and mutual inductance as well as flexible current conductor resistance based on measurements in a series of two-phase and three-phase short circuit tests are obtained. The usage of these parameters to determine the arc voltage in phases increases accuracy of stabilizing the length and the power of arcs.