Вісник № 28
Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/23487
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Документ Анализ систем управления синхронными двигателями с постоянными магнитами при регулировании скорости вверх от номинальной(НТУ "ХПИ", 2010) Толочко, Ольга Ивановна; Божко, Владислав ВладимировичIn article possibilities and features of regulation of speed of synchronous engines with constant magnets in a range above the nominal are investigated. Working conditions and management strategy in the first, second and third zones of regulation are analyses. By means of mathematical modeling transients at two-zonal and three-zonal regulation are received. Directions of the further researches are planned.Документ Моделирование пуско-тормозных режимов тягового электропривода постоянного тока(НТУ "ХПИ", 2010) Синолицый, Анатолий Филиппович; Филипп, Юлий Борисович; Максимов, Михаил НиколаевичIn the article the flow diagram of hauling electromechanic of direct current is offered for research of starting and brake office hours. By means of computer design the charts of transients of current and speed are got.Документ Повышение пропускной способности кранового шинопровода морского порта(НТУ "ХПИ", 2010) Радимов, Сергей Николаевич; Беляев, Владимир Леонидович; Ковченко, Андрей ВладимировичReasons of failures of voltage on busbar a feed-in port cranes «Sokol», at imposition of work of mechanisms of getting up of a few cranes are exposed. It is set that by principal reason of such failures exceeding the requirements of standard of quality of electric power, is inductive resistance of phases of busbar. Application of cables in a crane network substantially promotes its carrying capacity, which allows at the end of moorage to set the electrohydraulic crane of the LIEBHERR firm, possessing higher carrying capacity and boom.Документ Линейная динамическая модель асинхронного двигателя с векторным управлением(НТУ "ХПИ", 2010) Потапенко, Евгений Михайлович; Душинова, Евгения ВикторовнаThe simple equivalent mathematical model for system of vector control of induction drive with the nonlinear mathematical model, enough precisely describing work of initial system in all operating modes was made. Simplicity and linearity of equivalent system allow to synthesize laws of control of initial nonlinear system by well developed linear methods with essentially smaller expenses of time for simulation. Numerical simulation of dynamics initial nonlinear and equivalent linear systems has shown good coincidence of transitive and stationary processes.Документ Разработка и исследование методики построения статической и динамической характеристик асинхронного двигателя с учетом эффекта вытеснения тока в роторе(НТУ "ХПИ", 2010) Квашнин, Валерий Олегович; Мусиенко, Юлия НиколаевнаIn the article the live issues of the construction of the precise the mathematical models of the special series asynchronous motor with the enhanced start-up torque are dedicated. The mathematical model of the Kloss’s and Park-Gorev’s equations-based are researched. The model graphics of the asynchronous motor with the accounting to displace current effect are built.Документ Снижение потерь в пусковых режимах асинхронного двигателя при скалярном частотном управлении(НТУ "ХПИ", 2010) Чекавский, Глеб Станиславович; Розкаряка, Павел Иванович; Мельник, Артем АнатольевичThe paper shows the main results of numerical research the energy efficiency of V/f-control laws for starting the variable-frequency induction motor. Some possibilities for minimization the power of losses during starting the motor by correcting the laws of V/Fcontrol has been shown.Документ Особенности создания погружных электромеханических систем для подводной робототехники в целом и для подводных аппаратов в частности(НТУ "ХПИ", 2010) Блинцов, Владимир Степанович; Красюк, Александр НиколаевичFeatures of design definition of mechanical characteristics barounload asynchronous electric motors of electromechanical systems of the underwater devices-robots, caused by their work in the environment of a liquid dielectric are investigated. The properties of a liquid dielectric necessary for designing of jacks of hydrostatic pressure of such electric motors taking into account cyclic change of temperature are experimentally studied.