Вісник № 28
Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/23487
4 результатів
Результати пошуку
Документ До питання діагностування трансформатора тягової підстанції(НТУ "ХПІ", 2010) Розводюк, Михайло ПетровичIn the paper was analyzed the existing approaches of transformers diagnostic. There were offered to diagnostic dry traction transformer substation by the most heated point of transformer windings, ambient temperature, power of secondary winding circle of transformer and its range of overload. Structure of diagnostic system was designed.Документ Синтез структури пристрою для контролю струмів витоку тролейбуса на маршруті(НТУ "ХПІ", 2010) Курочка, Віктор ПетровичIn-process the offered device for control of currents of loss of trolleybus enrooted, which will measure the current of loss (without influence of weather factors), warn the driver of presence of dangerous current of loss, will turn off a trolleybus from a network, when his speed zero, will determine the possible disrepair of hauling engine.Документ Сучасні методи діагностики стану ізоляції електричних машин(НТУ "ХПІ", 2010) Худий, Євгеній ГеннадійовичProblems of electric motors insulation diagnostics are shown. Shortcomings of some existing methods are described from the author’s personal experience. Integrated approach for interpretation of multiparametric measurements is suggested. Adequacy of new approach is proven. Conclusions according to improving of suggested approach are made.Документ Синтез структури пристрою для технічного діагностування високовольтних розрядників(НТУ "ХПІ", 2010) Грабко, В. В.; Ковальчук, Венедикт ПетровичThe paper presents a device for control of the technical state of high-voltage discharge, which allows, not disconnecting him from power grid, to take into account a size and duration of interconnect current of discharge, and also size of remaining voltage.