2023 № 4 Сучасні інформаційні системи

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Зараз показуємо 1 - 12 з 12
  • Документ
    Methodological support for Agile resource reallocation in a multi-project healthcare environment
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2023) Dotsenko, Nataliia; Chumachenko, Igor; Bondarenko, Andriy; Chumachenko, Dmytro
    The organization of medical assistance in de-occupied territories and territories close to combat activities necessitates reorganizing the existing medical system, making the task of developing methodological support for Agile-redistribution of resources in a multi-project medical environment relevant. The article aims to develop a methodological framework for Agile redistribution of resources in the medical environment. Research results & conclusions. In the paper, the issue of resource reallocation in a multi-project healthcare environment is examined. A methodological framework for Agile redistribution of human resources in a healthcare setting has been developed, which is based on the use of donor-acceptor interaction. An Agile method of resource redistribution in a multi-project healthcare environment has been developed, enabling healthcare facilities to be provided with resources, taking into account the principles of resilience, adaptability, and functional reservation. A model of the Agile resource redistribution process (IDEF0) has been constructed. The use of a scenario approach to ensure Agile resource redistribution is considered. The main scenarios for redistribution have been identified. An IDEF3 model of the resource redistribution process (scenario approach) has been developed. An example of applying the developed methodological framework for conducting Agile redistribution of human resources in a healthcare environment is considered. The use of the developed support for the selected example allowed for the selection of a redistribution option that meets the defined reservation requirements, taking into account the chosen scenario.
  • Документ
    A method of protecting information in cyber-physical space
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2023) Dzheniuk, Nataliia; Yevseiev, Serhii; Lazurenko, Bogdan; Serkov, Oleksandr; Kasilov, Oleg
    The subject of the study is the processes of ensuring the reliability and security of information in cyber-physical space. The objective is to develop recommendations for the implementation of a method of information security in cyber-physical space. The development is based on the technology of ultra-wideband signals circulating in wireless communication channels. The task is to ensure the stable and reliable operation of the airborne wireless mobile communication network, which is the main component of cyberspace and its most vulnerable link to destructive influences. Methods used: methods of analytical modelling and time-position pulse coding. The following results were obtained. It is shown that in order to ensure high quality of wireless network operation, it is necessary to expand its bandwidth, which is limited by the physical resource of the radio frequency spectrum. It is proposed to overcome this contradiction by applying the technology of ultra-wideband signals, the base of which is much larger than one. In this case, the information signal is emitted without a carrier frequency simultaneously in the entire frequency band, provided that the signal level is lower than the noise level. The method of positional-time coding is used, in which each information bit is encoded by hundreds of ultra-short chip pulses arriving in a certain sequence. In such wireless communication systems, the use of autocorrelation reception of modulated ultra-wideband signals is proposed. A comparative analysis has shown that the wireless network with the best reliability and noise immunity is the one where the time separation of the reference and information signals is applied. During the first half of the bit interval, the switch closes the transmitter output directly to the ultra-wideband signal generator, forming a reference signal. In the middle of the bit interval, the switcher switches the output to one of two possible positions depending on the signal "zero" or "one", forming the information part of the signal. Conclusions. Systems with autocorrelation reception and separate transmission of reference and information signals provide a high level of structural signal concealment, as well as reliable transmission of digital information, especially in conditions of interference.
  • Документ
    Possible evaluation of the correctness of explanations to the end user in an artificial intelligence system
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2023) Chalyi, Serhii; Leshchynskyi, Volodymyr
    The subject of this paper is the process of evaluation of explanations in an artificial intelligence system. The aim is to develop a method for forming a possible evaluation of the correctness of explanations for the end user in an artificial intelligence system. The evaluation of the correctness of explanations makes it possible to increase the user's confidence in the solution of an artificial intelligence system and, as a result, to create conditions for the effective use of this solution. Aims: to structure explanations according to the user's needs; to develop an indicator of the correctness of explanations using the theory of possibilities; to develop a method for evaluating the correctness of explanations using the possibilities approach. The approaches used are a set-theoretic approach to describe the elements of explanations in an artificial intelligence system; a possibility approach to provide a representation of the criterion for evaluating explanations in an intelligent system; a probabilistic approach to describe the probabilistic component of the evaluation of explanations. The following results are obtained. The explanations are structured according to the needs of the user. It is shown that the explanation of the decision process is used by specialists in the development of intelligent systems. Such an explanation represents a complete or partial sequence of steps to derive a decision in an artificial intelligence system. End users mostly use explanations of the result presented by an intelligent system. Such explanations usually define the relationship between the values of input variables and the resulting prediction. The article discusses the requirements for evaluating explanations, considering the needs of internal and external users of an artificial intelligence system. It is shown that it is advisable to use explanation fidelity evaluation for specialists in the development of such systems, and explanation correctness evaluation for external users. An explanation correctness assessment is proposed that uses the necessity indicator in the theory of possibilities. A method for evaluation of explanation fidelity is developed. Conclusions. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is as follows. A possible method for assessing the correctness of an explanation in an artificial intelligence system using the indicators of possibility and necessity is proposed. The method calculates the necessity of using the target value of the input variable in the explanation, taking into account the possibility of choosing alternative values of the variables, which makes it possible to ensure that the target value of the input variable is necessary for the explanation and that the explanation is correct.
  • Документ
    Hybrid approach for data filtering and machine learning inside content management system
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2023) Poliarush, Oleh; Krepych, Svitlana; Spivak, Iryna
    The object of research is the processes of data filtering and machine learning in content management systems. The subject of research is developing a hybrid approach to data filtering based on a combination of supervised and unsupervised machine learning. The article explores machine learning approaches to content management and how they can change the way we organize, categorize, and derive value from vast amounts of data. The main goal is to develop and use a hybrid approach for data filtering and training that will help optimize resource consumption and perform supervised training for better categorization in the future. This approach includes elements of supervised and unsupervised learning using the BERT architecture that uses this kind of flow that help reduce resource usage and adjust the algorithm to perform better in a specific area. As a result, thanks to this approach, the intelligent system was able to independently optimize for a specific field of use and help to reduce the costs of using resources. Conclusion. After applying a hybrid approach of data filtering and machine learning to existing data streams, we obtain a performance increase of up to 5%, and this percentage increases depending on the running time of the application.
  • Документ
    Acousto-optical receiver of an obstruction passive radar system
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2023) Rustamov, Asad; Kerimov, Yashar; Mammedov, Ahmed; Binnatov, Mehman; Katekhliyev, Vusal
    The subject of research in the article is the passive radar system of a warship. The purpose of the work was to review the characteristics use of the acousto-optical receiver in the new passive radar system of the warship, to investigate the peculiarities of acoustooptic effect and the relevant synthesis of methods and tools for measuring the photodetector photoelectric characteristics and, in addition, to investigate the energy-and-geometric parameters of laser radiation Justification. It is shown that the transition, impulse and frequency characteristics are taken as the main means to determine the operating and technical parameters of the acousto-optical delay line. It is not possible to unambiguously extrapolate these characteristics to the known models of the characteristics of the acousto-optic radar receiver created on AODL. Research results. In the context of this postulate, mathematical models of the main characteristics of AODL were developed. On the basis of the synchronous compensation pulse obstacles applied to the passive radar acousto-optic receiver on military ships, the full compensation of the obstacles is determined for the effective reception of signals from the acousto-optic receiver. In radar stations (radar), the main attention is focused on the statistical properties of the useful signal and passive obstacles, the speed (frequency) of the signal passing through the passive obstacle and the space-time differences. The recommendations. These features are recommended to be used only in special cases where the target is outside the reflectors for informational duration, amplitude and differences between passive obstacles, obstacle silencing and signal separation. Conclusion. Applying the full attenuation of the band filter and synphase barrier organizers, whose frequency characteristics do not depend on the tuning frequency, it is possible to provide full compensation of obstacles during the effective reception of signals by the acousto-optic receiver in the passive radar system of warships based on the proposed method for high resistance to obstacles, pulse obstacle compensation.
  • Документ
    Assessing and forecasting the state of deteriorating systems with the use of modified regression polynomials on the basis of functional approximation of their coefficients
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2023) Raskin, Lev; Sukhomlyn, Larysa; Sokolov, Dmytro; Vlasenko, Vitalii
    Object of research is technical state of deteriorating systems whose operating conditions depend on a large number of interacting factors. The caused inhomogeneity of the sample of initial data on the technical state leads to impossibility of correct use of traditional methods of assessing the state of a system (meaning methods using mathematical tools of regression analysis). Subject of research is developing a method for constructing a regression polynomial based on the results of processing a set of controlled system parameters. Non-linearity of the polynomial describing the evolution of the technical state of real systems leads to an increase in the number of regression polynomial coefficients subject to estimation. The problem is further complicated by the growing number of factors affecting the technical state of the system. In these circumstances, the so-called occurs. Goal the research consists in developing a method for constructing an approximation polynomial that describes evolution of the system state in a situation where the volume of the initial data sample is insufficient for correct estimating coefficients of this polynomial. The results obtained. The paper proposes a method for solving the given problem, based on implementation of a two-stage procedure. At the first stage a functional description of the approximation polynomial coefficients is performed; and this radically reduces the number of regression polynomial parameters to be estimated. This polynomial is used for preliminary estimation of its coefficients with the aim of filtering out insignificant factors and their interactions. At the second stage, parameters of the truncated polynomial are estimated by means of using standard technologies of mathematical statistics. Two approaches to constructing a modified polynomial have been studied: the additive one and the multiplicative one. It has been shown that the additive approach is, on average, an order of magnitude more effective than the multiplicative one.
  • Документ
    Інформаційна технологія планування підвищення якості підмножини процесів моделі SPICE
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2023) Годлевський, Михайло Дмитрович; Бурлаков, Георгій Олександрович
    Об'єкт дослідження – процес розробки (ПР) програмного забезпечення (ПЗ). Предмет дослідження – моделі, метод та інформаційна технологія планування підвищення якості підмножини процесів моделі зрілості SPICE. Мета роботи у реалізації розроблених моделей, методу і технології в межах інформаційної технології та перевірка її працездатності на тестових прикладах. Методи досліджень: інженерія якості програмних систем; теорія корисності, на базі якої побудовано цільову функцію моделі; метод послідовного аналізу варіантів; теорія прийняття рішень і моделювання бізнес-процесів при розробці інформаційної технології підтримки прийняття рішень. Застосовані моделі: формалізовано модель зрілості SPICE, яку представлено у вигляді ієрархічної системи; синтезовано модель оцінки рівня можливості окремого процесу/підпроцесу моделі SPICE; синтезовано модель планування підвищення якості підмножини процесів моделі SPICE в умовах обмежених ресурсів. Застосовано метод послідовного аналізу варіантів, який було реалізовано на основі алгоритму “Київський віник”. Отримані результати: розроблена технологія вирішення поставленої задачі, яку представлено у вигляді послідовності виконання окремих бізнес-процесів з використанням стандарту IDEFO; визначені вимоги до програмного забезпечення; розроблена модель даних предметної області; обґрунтовано інструментарій для розробки ПЗ; вибрана архітектура ПЗ; представлена діаграма розміщення компонентів ПЗ; перевірена працездатність розробленої інформаційної технології на тестових прикладах. Практичне значення роботи полягає в тому, що отримана інформаційна технологія дозволяє керівникам ІТ-компаній в межах виділених ресурсів на деякому плановому періоді побудувати траєкторію розвитку найбільш значущих процесів ПР ПЗ, визначити, яким чином на кожному підперіоді планування буде підвищуватись їх рівень можливості з метою отримання якісного ПЗ.
  • Документ
    Designing and evaluating DL-model for vulnerability detection in smart contracts
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2023) Shmatko, Oleksandr; Kolomiitsev, Oleksii; Rekova, Nataliia; Kuchuk, Nina; Matvieiev, Oleksandr
    Task features. Smart-contracts are programs that are stored in a distributed registry and execute code written in them in response to transactions addressed to them. Such smart- contracts are written in the Solidity programming language, which has a specific structure and syntax. The language was developed for the Ethereum platform. Having a specific structure, such languages are prone to certain vulnerabilities, the use of which can lead to large financial losses. Task statement. In this paper, a Deep Learning (DL) model is used to detect the vulnerabilities. Using the chosen approach and a properly specified input data structure, it is possible to detect complex dependencies between various program variables that contain vulnerabilities and bugs. Research results. Using well-defined experiments, this approach was investigated to better understand the model and improve its performance. The developed model classified vulnerabilities at the string level, using the Solidity corpus of smart-contracts as input data. The application of the DL model allows vulnerabilities of varying complexity to be identified in smart-contracts. Conclusions. Thus, the pipeline developed by us can capture more internal code information than other models. Information from software tokens, although semantically incapable of capturing vulnerabilities, increases the accuracy of models. The interpretability of the model has been added through the use of the attention mechanism. Operator accounting has shown significant performance improvements.
  • Документ
    Wireless sensor synchronization method for monitoring short-term events
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2023) Zuev, Andrey; Karaman, Dmytro; Olshevskiy, Andrey
    Topicality. The key part of experimental research is obtaining the most accurate data about the studied object or event. Often, it is necessary to record parameters of processes that are c hallenging to precisely localize in space and time. The process or event under consideration can occur very rapidly, within fractions of a second, making it difficult for the researcher to deploy and configure recording equipment. This necessitates the creation of a network consisting of numerous recording devices to not miss critical events related to the studied process and obtain a sufficient volume of experimental data. Another issue is the synchronization of data obtained from different measurement devices. Spatially distributed recording devices must operate with a high degree of autonomy, leading to discrepancies in timekeeping and the need for synchronization. In processes with sub-millisecond durations, imperfections in timekeeping at each node have a significant impact: undetected and unaccounted discrepancies can lead to distortion or a misunderstanding of the overall picture of the studied process or event, even after acquiring all the necessary data. This is why the development and improvement of methods for synchronizing data recording nodes in distributed wireless sensor networks is important and urgent task. Task statement. One practical application of the proposed solution is the study of injuries caused by the penetration of foreign objects with high kinetic energy into the human body. These studies are conducted using artificial simulators of the human body made from composite materials and ballistic gelatin, with implanted electronic devices for recording changes in physical parameters. Results and conclusions. The article presents a hardware and software method, along with the technical implementation of the process for synchronizing the local clocks of wireless nodes, integrated into a unified information-measurement system located on the simulator. The proposed method allows achieving synchronization accuracy of no more than 12 μs/second using low-cost commercial off-the-shelf components. The practical part of the research discusses microprocessors from the ESP family, which, in general, provide sufficient time synchronization accuracy when using the proposed method, allowing for cost-effective node development within the system. The proposed method can also be applied in other fields, such as measuring vibrations in electrical machines and engines, as well as structural health monitoring.
  • Документ
    Обчислення результатів основних арифметичних дій з кватерніонами, визначеними в інтервальній формі
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2023) Гадецька, Світлана Вікторівна; Дубницький, Валерій Юрійович; Кушнерук, Юрій Іонович; Ходирєв, Олександр Іванович
    Мета дослідження. Створення EXCEL-орієнтованого калькулятора для визначення результатів основних арифметичних дій з кватерніонами, які задані гіперболічними інтервальними числами. Предмет дослідження. Множина кватерніонів і арифметичні дії, які визначені на цій множині. Метод дослідження. Алгоритмічний і чисельний аналіз процедур виконання основних арифметичних дій з кватерніонами, заданими гіперболічними інтервальними числами. Результати дослідження. Наведено визначення кватерніону, коефіцієнти при ортах якого є інтервальними числами. Отримано співвідношення для визначення в інтервальній формі таких характеристик, як: норма кватерніону, модуль кватерніону, модуль векторної частини кватерніону, аргумент кватерніону, знак кватерніону. Отримано співвідношення для визначення в інтервальній формі основних арифметичних дій: суми кватерніонів, різниці кватерніонів, множення сталої величини на кватерніон, скалярного добутку кватерніонів, добутку векторних частин кватерніонів, добутку кватерніонів, векторного добутку кватерніонів, лівостороннього та правостороннього ділення кватерніонів. Отримано співвідношення для обчислення визначників другого порядку, елементи яких визначено в інтервальній формі. Отримано співвідношення для наближеного обчислення визначників довільного порядку, елементи яких визначено в інтервальній формі. Показано, що операції множення (ділення) інтервальних чисел та піднесення їх до цілочисельного степеня доцільно виконувати, коли вони мають гіперболічну форму. Операцію додавання (віднімання) доцільно виконувати з інтервальними числами, поданими в класичній формі або в системі ЦЕНТР-РАДІУС. Останню форму бажано використовувати у випадку визначення коефіцієнтів ортів кватерніону за результатами технологічних розрахунків. Наведено скрін-копії формул для визначення векторного добутку кватерніонів за умови, що коефіцієнти при їх ортах представлено інтервальними числами.
  • Документ
    Development of control laws of unmanned aerial vehicles for performing group flight at the straight-line horizontal flight stage
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2023) Barabash, Oleg; Kyrianov, Artemii
    The article proposes an improved approach to controlling groups of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) aimed at increasing the overall efficiency and flexibility of the control process. The use of a heterogeneous external field, which varies both in magnitude and direction, allows achieving greater adaptability and accuracy in controlling a group of UAVs. A vector field for unmanned aerial vehicles determines the direction and intensity of the vehicles' movement in space. Such vector fields can be used to develop UAV control laws, including determining optimal flight paths, controlling speed, avoiding obstacles, and ensuring coordination of a group of UAVs. The subject of the study is the methods of controlling groups of autonomous UAVs, where each vehicle may have different speeds and flight directions. To solve this problem, various methods of using a heterogeneous field have been developed and proposed. Instead of using a homogeneous field that provides a constant flight speed, a vector field is used that adapts to different conditions and characteristics of the vehicles in the group. This method allows for effective group management, ensuring the necessary coordination and interaction between the vehicles. An analysis of recent research and publications in the field of autonomous system control indicates the feasibility of using machine learning, vector fields, and a large amount of data to successfully coordinate the movement of autonomous systems. These approaches make it possible to create efficient and reliable control systems. The aim of the study is to develop laws for controlling the movement of a group of autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles at the stage of straight-line horizontal flight based on natural analogues to improve the efficiency and reliability of their coordinated movement in different conditions. The main conclusions of the research are that the proposed method of controlling groups of UAVs based on a heterogeneous field can be implemented. It takes into account a variety of vehicle characteristics and environmental conditions that are typical for real-world use scenarios. This work opens up prospects for further improving the management of UAV groups and their use in various fields of activity. The article emphasises the relevance of technology development for autonomous unmanned systems, especially in the context of autonomous transport systems.
  • Документ
    Application of heterogeneous ensembles in problems of computer system state identification
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2023) Hornostal, Oleksii; Gavrylenko, Svitlana
    The object of the study is the process of identifying anomalies in the operation of a computer system (CS). The subject of the study is ensemble methods for identifying the state of the CS. The goal of the study is to improve the performance of ensemble classifiers based on heterogeneous models. Methods used: machine learning methods, homogeneous and heterogeneous ensemble classifiers, Pasting and Bootstrapping technologies. Results obtained: a comparative analysis of the use of homogeneous and heterogeneous bagging ensembles in data classification problems was carried out. The effectiveness of various approaches to the selection of base ensemble classifiers has been studied. A method for identifying the state of a computer system, based on the heterogeneous bagging ensemble was proposed. Experimental studies made it possible to confirm the main theoretical assumptions, as well as evaluate the efficiency of the constructed heterogeneous ensembles. Conclusions. Based on the results of the study, the method for constructing a heterogeneous bagging ensemble classifier, which differs from known methods in the procedure for selecting base models was proposed. It made possible to increase the classification accuracy. Further development of this research could include the creating and integration of dissimilarity metrics as well as other quantitative metrics for a more accurate and balanced base model selection procedure, which would further improve the performance of the computer system state classifier.