Вісник № 07 том 4
Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/2527
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Документ Расчет волнового сопротивления копланарно связанных линий пакета пленочного кабеля(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Антонова, В. А.; Борщев, В. Н.; Резник, А. П.In paper the designed mathematical model for calculation of a characteristic impedance of a signal cable taking into account finite width of conductors of multiplayer coplanar coupled lines, and outcomes of researches of dependence of a characteristic impedances from geometrical sizes of conductors, clearances between them and thickness of a covering film is reduced. The possibility of obtaining of optimal characteristic impedance of transmissions lines is shownДокумент Положительная фаза ионосферных бурь и особенности ее проявления на средних широтах по данным радара НР в Харькове(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Захаров, И. Г.; Мозговая, О. Л.; Таран, В. И.Magnetic disturbances different in tensity are analyzed by the electron density and vertical plasma drift velocity data that received by incoherent scatter methods at the Institute of ionosphere doring 1997-2002. The effects of ionospheric condition before storm commences are development to the evolution character of ionospheric distribution. It is shown mechanisms inducing are the both the variations of meridional component thermospheric wind velocity and energy ejection through polar caspДокумент Обеспечение достоверности определения скорости дрейфа ионосферной плазмы методом некогерентного рассеяния(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Емельянов, Л. Я.; Скляров, И. Б.The some aspects of ensuring of reliable ionospheric plasma drift velocity measurements by incoherent scatter method are considered. The substantiation of use of control signals for this purpose is presented. The principle of construction of the simulator of a Doppler shift of noise-like signal is consideredДокумент Особенности работы радара некогерентного рассеяния со сложным зондирующим сигналом(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Скляров, И. Б.; Черняк, Ю. В.In a paper instrumental and methodical peculiarities of a construction of two- frequency systems for a measurement of ionospheric parameters by a IS technique are considered. The structure and operation exposition of a synchronization and assigning system of the radar IS by realizing a two- frequency mode of an ionosphere exploration is reduced. The results of experimental measurements in by using of this mode are presentedДокумент Информационные возможности цифровой обработки радиосигналов с известной несущей частотой(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Рогожкин, Евгений Васильевич; Белозёров, Д. П.; Ерёмин, А. Н.In modern conditions the fundamental part of signal processing is carried out by a means of digital computer technology. Thereof the digital systems of processing appear by more flexible, that allows to adapt for varied conditions, and thus in the large degree exclude mistakes of analog transformation. In paper the possibilities of the shortest transition from analogue processing (reception, amplification) to digital representations are considered. Signal, at which there are noticeable losses of the informationДокумент Процессы в околоземном космосе, сопровождавшие магнитную бурю 1 октября 2002 года(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Пазюра, С. А.; Черняк, Ю. В.Abstract Parameters variations researches results of ionosphere, which accompanied a magnetic storm with the main phase on October 1, 2002, performed on the Kharkov incoherent scatter radar are presented. According to time variations of concentration, speed, ion temperature of solar wind, induction module variation of IMF measured on artificial satellite "ACE" the picture of the sudden beginning, and also courses of an ionospheres storm is restoredДокумент Оптимизация обнаружения сигналов в радиотехнических системах ближней навигации(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Обод, Иван Иванович; Полюга, В. П.The problem of optimal detection of the range interrogating and answering signals of radiotechnic systems of short-range navigation is consideredДокумент Распределение корреляционного функционала при дискретном представлении сигналов НР(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Мазманишвили, Александр Сергеевич; Рогожкин, Евгений ВасильевичIs it considered correlation functional, determined on complex-value normal Markov process. The expressions describing statistical properties such functional are receiveДокумент Метод статистических испытаний эффективности алгоритмов оценки ионосферных параметров в методе НР(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Мазманишвили, Александр Сергеевич; Пуляев, Валерий АлександровичNumerical experimental results of with multiparameter statistical model are given with the purpose of revealing influence of processing methods on accuracy and reliability of ratings ionospheric dataДокумент Оператори двовимірного фінітного дискретно-неперервного перетворення Фур'є на основі сплайнів першого степеня, точні на тригонометричних поліномах заданого порядку(НТУ "ХПІ", 2003) Литвин, О. М.; Удовиченко, В. М.The operators of calculation of two-dimensional finite discretery-continuous Fourier Transform on the basis of splines of the first degree were in vestigated. These operators are precise on trigonometric polynomials of corresponding degree. Their interpolation properties are researched. The estimation of error approximating of complex functions of two real variables by the offered operators is given. The example is given