Вісник № 02
Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/6966
20 результатів
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Документ Університету – 125, кафедрі турбінобудування – 80(НТУ "ХПІ", 2010) Бойко, Анатолій ВолодимировичДокумент Многорежимная оптимизация последней ступени ЦНД паровой турбины(НТУ "ХПИ", 2010) Яковлев, В. А.; Ершов, Сергей ВладимировичThe example of multipoint aerodynamic optimization of low pressure cylinder last stage of the steam turbine by capacity of 200 MW is considered. The weighed stage efficiency for four operating conditions of the turbine is chosen as objective function. The technology of computational investigations is based on the use of 3D flow numerical models for turbomachinery flowpaths. Searching an objective function extremum was carried out byhybridapproach, combining genetic algorithmwith localdirectsearchmethodДокумент Термодинамічна оптимізація зразкового циклу бінарної ПГУ з котлом-утилізатором за допомогою сучасних інформаційних технологій(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2010) Волощук, Володимир Анатолійович; Очков, В. Ф.; Орлов, К. О.Onthe base of mathematical modelling with the help of modernin formation technologies the article gives results of optimizing investigation of exemplary cycle of Gas-Steam Combined Cycle Plant with the purpose of increasing inner efficiencyДокумент Влияние надбандажной протечки на аэродинамику осерадиального диффузора выхлопного патрубка ЦНД паровой турбины при изменении противодавления(НТУ "ХПИ", 2010) Юдин, Юрий Алексеевич; Субботович, Валерий Петрович; Лапузин, Александр Викторович; Юдин, Александр ЮрьевичFor axially symmetrical model of diffuser, which characteristic for the exhaust manifold of the LPT power steam turbines, at the change of pressure on the diffuser exhaust are resulted. It is shown that on the certain modes which are related to the change of the backpressure, at supersonic velocity in the peripheral region of diffuser the unsteady processes are initiated.Документ Моделювання електростатичного поля на складних поверхнях діелектричних матеріалів(НТУ "ХПІ", 2010) Третякова, Л. Д.; Подольцев, Олександр ДмитровичIn the article the mathematical model and the method of numerical calculation of three-dimensional electrostatic field near-by a man at presence of surface charge on his protective clothing made from polymeric material were consideredДокумент Моделирование течения в рабочей камере счетчика расхода капельной жидкости(НТУ "ХПИ", 2010) Тарасов, Александр Иванович; Титов, В. Б.; Михайлова, Ирина АлександровнаCFD-analysis of the flow path of the liquid rate meter was developed. It was proved that of the mathematic model is adequate and allowed to study specific of the meter design on the flow rate characteristicДокумент Меры по предупреждению хрупких разрушений роторов. Требования к характеристикам металлов(НТУ "ХПИ", 2010) Сухинин, В. П.; Пугачева, Татьяна НиколаевнаThe issues has been treated connected o fdestruction of rotors. The criteria of determination of strongly descriptions at which passingof material of rotor is possible to the fragile state and his destruction are offered, that is related to inflexibility of the tense stateДокумент Опыт аэродинамического совершенствования конструкции отсека "ЦСД-ЦНД1" паровой турбины К-325-23,5(НТУ "ХПИ", 2010) Солодов, Валерий Григорьевич; Хандримайлов, А. А.; Левченко, Евгений Владимирович; Швецов, В. Л.; Конев, В. А.The experience of aerodynamic improvement of design of «I.P-L.P1» compartment of steam turbine К-325-23,5 is presented. The effect of elements of compartment flow path is discussed on the flow pattern and on the aerodynamic and power characteristics of compartmentДокумент Оптимизация пневматической системы управления гидравлической системой сельскохозяйственных машин(НТУ "ХПИ", 2010) Салыга, Тимофей Сергеевич; Красильник, А. В.Optimization of the pneumatic scheme of the tractor intended for management by executive hydrauli cdevices is considered in the article. Optimization is consisted in minimization of standard position structure. The scheme with application of controller is made, optimization with the help of the undivided decomposition method is carried out, the minimized scheme is receivedДокумент О возможности применения парокомпрессионных тепловых насосов для утилизации низкопотенциальных тепловых сбросов с конденсаторов турбин ТЭС(НТУ "ХПИ", 2010) Левин, М. М.; Яковлев, А. И.; Кобцев, О. М.; Панов, В. В.The question of the day of utilization of condenser waste heat of the heat power plants turbines with the help of the vapor-compression heat pumps was considered. Causes of the heat losses inthe condensers were determined and variants of heat pumps (HP) application subject to turbines’ type and their operating mode according to the diagram of heat or electric load were proposed. HP application permits to decrease the heat losses in the cycle, to improve engineering-and-economical performance of the turbounits, to increase their reliability and flexibility