Вісники НТУ "ХПІ"

Постійне посилання на розділhttps://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/2494

З 1961 р. у ХПІ видається збірник наукових праць "Вісник Харківського політехнічного інституту".
Згідно до наказу ректора № 158-1 від 07.05.2001 року "Про упорядкування видання вісника НТУ "ХПІ", збірник був перейменований у Вісник Національного Технічного Університету "ХПІ".
Вісник Національного технічного університету "Харківський політехнічний інститут" включено до переліку спеціалізованих видань ВАК України і виходить по серіях, що відображають наукові напрямки діяльності вчених університету та потенційних здобувачів вчених ступенів та звань.
Зараз налічується 30 діючих тематичних редколегій. Вісник друкує статті як співробітників НТУ "ХПІ", так і статті авторів інших наукових закладів України та зарубіжжя, які представлені у даному розділі.


Результати пошуку

Зараз показуємо 1 - 5 з 5
  • Ескіз
    Classification of nuclear NPP reactors
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2023) Yefimov, Olexander Vyacheslavovych; Tiutiunyk, Larysa Ivanivna; Kavertsev, Valery Leonidovich; Harkusha, Tetyana Anatoliivna; Sydorkin, Igor Dmytrovych
    The article deals with the classification of NPP nuclear reactors. A nuclear reactor is a device in which a chain reaction of nuclear fission of heavy elements uranium, plutonium, and thorium takes place, which controls and maintains itself. The possibility of such a reaction is ensured by the fact that each act of nuclear fission produces two or three neutrons capable of causing the fission of other nuclear fuel nuclei loaded into the reactor. In the reactor, simultaneously with the nuclear fission process, there is always, firstly, the absorption of neutrons by materials located in the active zone, and, secondly, the outflow of neutrons from the active zone of the reactor. These two factors make it possible to regulate the nuclear fission process so that the number of neutrons in the active zone and the number of acts of fission per unit of time are constant. Nuclear reactors are very diverse in terms of their parameters, purpose, design and a number of other features. Nuclear reactors can be classified according to the following main distinguishing features: the amount of neutron energy that causes nuclear fission; by type of retarder; according to the type and parameters of the coolant; by constructive execution; according to the compositional decision; by appointment. At nuclear power plants, nuclear reactors are used to generate electrical and thermal energy. At nuclear power plants, they are used to generate thermal energy for the purpose of heating and industrial heat supply. In ship power plants, they are used as sources of thermal, mechanical and electrical energy.
  • Ескіз
    Optimization of operating modes of power units of nuclear power plants
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2023) Yefimov, Olexander Vyacheslavovich; Kavertsev, Valery Leonidovich; Tiutiunyk, Larysa Ivanivna; Harkusha, Tetyana Anatoliivna; Motovilnik, Anastasiia Vadimovna; Sydorkin, Igor Dmytrovych
    The materials of the article consider the main methodological provisions of calculations and optimization of NPP power unit equipment parameters using mathematical modeling methods. For the effective implementation of tasks related to determining the optimal parameters and structures of NPP power unit equipment using mathematical modeling and well-developed multifactor optimization methods, it is necessary to fulfill a number of requirements at their productions. Practice shows that it is impractical to optimize with the help of a single mathematical (simulation) model the entire set of parameters characterizing a given power unit, because with such a formulation, the optimization tasks are often mutually incorrect due to a significant discrepancy in the accuracy of various source information, unequal influence of parameters on the target function, specific differences in the mathematical description of various units and elements of the power unit. In order to effectively optimize the parameters of NPP power units, it is necessary to create a system of interconnected mathematical models, which include: a group of detailed mathematical models of individual units and elements of power unit equipment; more generalized mathematical models for the main equipment of power units built on their basis; complete mathematical model of power units.
  • Ескіз
    Basic bases of calculations and optimization of NPP power unit equipment parameters methods of mathematical modelling
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2021) Yefimov, Olexander Vyacheslavovych; Ilchenko, Boris Samuilovich; Tiutiunyk, Larysa Ivanivna; Harkusha, Tetyana Anatoliivna; Yesipenko, Tetyana Oleksiivna; Motovilnik, Anastasiia Vadimovna
    The materials of the article consider the optimization of certain parameters and characteristics of the equipment of NPP power units, which are closely related to the processes of their design and construction. Modern NPP power units are complex technical systems. They include a set of interconnected equipment for different technological purposes, which ensures the performance of power units of a complex function of electricity production and heat of the specified quality and according to a given load schedule. Complete mathematical models of the functional state of steam turbine power units are characterized by a large number of nonlinear connections and contain implicit functions. This complicates their widespread use to solve problems of systematic analysis of the quality of operation of power units. The aim of the work is to analyze the basic theoretical foundations, methods and approaches to the calculation and optimization of the parameters of the equipment of NPP power units by methods of mathematical modeling. The solution of the problem of optimization of NPP power unit parameters includes the following stages: selection of optimality criteria (objective functions); development of a system of interconnected mathematical models in accordance with the required hierarchical level of optimization research; selection of computational methods and optimization algorithms. Taking into account the above methodological provisions and approaches increases the efficiency of mathematical modeling to solve problems of calculations and optimization of NPP power unit parameters.
  • Ескіз
    Methods and approaches to simulation, diagnostics, forecasting equipment state and optimization of robot modes of NPP power units
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2021) Yefimov, Olexander Vyacheslavovych; Kavertsev, Valery Leonidovich; Potanina, Tetiana Volodymyrivna; Harkusha, Tetyana Anatoliivna; Tiutiunyk, Larysa Ivanivna; Motovilnik, Anastasiia Vadimovna
    Nuclear power plants are the basis of energy in many countries of the world, which determines the pace of their economic development. At the same time, they as complex technological systems are objects of the increased technogenic danger. Therefore, ways to increase the reliability, safety and efficiency of NPP power equipment have already been developed and continue to be developed, which are largely based on diagnostic procedures. During the operation of power equipment, especially during its long period, its technical characteristics, and, consequently, the parameters of technological processes, change under the influence of external factors and as a result of wear, or even destruction, of individual structural elements. Changing the characteristics of the equipment usually leads to a decrease in the level of adequacy and to the loss of conformity of mathematical expressions in the models of the content of the processes described by them.The materials of the article consider the identification of mathematical models of NPP power unit equipment in the process of parametric diagnostics. Ways to increase the reliability, safety and efficiency of NPP power equipment have been developed and continue to be developed, which are largely based on diagnostic procedures. The use of the iterative process to find the values of the identified parameters can be used to identify mathematical models of technological processes in NPP power equipment, which increases the adequacy of models and the reliability of diagnostic conclusions in solving parametric diagnostic problems.
  • Ескіз
    Computer-integrated components of the automated decision-making support system for operational and maintenance personnel of nuclear power plant units with WWER
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2019) Yefimov, Аleksandr Vyacheslavovych; Yesypenko, Tetyana Oleksiivna; Harkusha, Tetyana Anatoliivna; Kavertsev, Valery Leonidovich ; Berkutova, Tetyana Ivanivna
    The purpose of this article is to describe the results of the research aimed at developing computer-integrated components of one of the ADMSS variants for operational and maintenance personnel of NPP units according to the criterion of technical and economic efficiency, taking into account the diagnostics of the technical equipment state based on the simulation model describing by means of up-to-date mathematical methods the technological processes in the main and auxiliary equipment of power units using up-to-date mathematical methods at the level of detailing, corresponding to their principle and deployed thermal schemes. The results of studies aimed at the development of computer-integrated components of the automated decision-making support system (ADMSS) for operational and maintenance personnel of NPP units by the criterion of technical and economic efficiency, taking into account the diagnostics of the state of the power unit equipment, are presented. The general structure of the software package interaction for the analysis of the performance and parameter diagnostics of NPP units with WWER has been developed. When creating the software package, the integrated programming environment Microsoft Visual Studios was used. The structure of the program block for the parameter diagnostics of the equipment of nuclear power units is presented. The main types of problems arising during the operation of NPP units with WWER, that can be solved with the help of the developed ADMSS are considered, and a form for presenting the results to the operational and maintenance personnel of power units is proposed. Developed on the basis of the described computer-integrated components, the automated decision-making support system for the operational and maintenance personnel of NPP power units can be used to solve a wide range of problems arising in the practice of short-, medium- and long-term control of the operation modes of power unit systems and equipment, including obtaining operational (energy) characteristics of power unit systems and equipment, optimizing operation modes and parameters, diagnosing and forecasting technical state of power equipment, predicting the amount of electrical and thermal energy generated by a power unit, as well as optimizing NPP repair cycles.