Индукционный преобразователь импульсного магнитного поля молнии
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В статье рассмотрены краткие теоретические сведения для выбора параметров сверхширокопо-
лосного измерителя напряженности магнитного поля индукционного типа. Представлены ре-
зультаты реализации преобразователя для измерения биэкспоненциального импульса магнитного поля. Приведены параметры созданного преобразователя. Используя программу MicroCap,
смоделирована работа преобразователя при воздействии на схему сигнала, параметры которого эквивалентны сгенерированному в системе колец Гельмгольца. Проведена калибровка преобразователя.
The spheres of use of ultrawideband measuring device of magnetic field tensity of inductive type are analyzed in the article. Brief theoretical information for choosing the parameters of the transformer are given. The article also shows the conditions for correct work of the transformer. It was calculated the perceptibility of the transformer. The calculated and experimental perceptibility were compared. The inaccuracy of measuring was determined. The results of realization of ultrawideband measuring device of magnetic field tensity of inductive type for measuring biexponential magnetic field impulse are represented in the article. The parameters of produced transformer are cited. The work of the transformer while signal influencing on its scheme is modeled using Micro-Cap programme. The signal’s parameters are equivalent to a signal generated in Helmholtz rings system. Transformer’s calibration is conducted.
The spheres of use of ultrawideband measuring device of magnetic field tensity of inductive type are analyzed in the article. Brief theoretical information for choosing the parameters of the transformer are given. The article also shows the conditions for correct work of the transformer. It was calculated the perceptibility of the transformer. The calculated and experimental perceptibility were compared. The inaccuracy of measuring was determined. The results of realization of ultrawideband measuring device of magnetic field tensity of inductive type for measuring biexponential magnetic field impulse are represented in the article. The parameters of produced transformer are cited. The work of the transformer while signal influencing on its scheme is modeled using Micro-Cap programme. The signal’s parameters are equivalent to a signal generated in Helmholtz rings system. Transformer’s calibration is conducted.
Бібліографічний опис
Немченко Ю. С. Индукционный преобразователь импульсного магнитного поля молнии / Ю. С. Немченко, С. П. Шаламов // Вестник Нац. техн. ун-та "ХПИ" : сб. науч. тр. Темат. вып. : Техника и электрофизика высоких напряжений. – Харьков : НТУ "ХПИ". – 2015. – № 20 (1129). – С. 99-108.