Автоматизація типових задач цехового рівня виробництва
Науковий ступінь
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Шифр та назва спеціальності
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Назва тому
Стаття присвячена процесам автоматизації типових задач цехового рівня виробництва. Адже виникає потреба у модернізації та розробці нових стендів з використанням сучасної мікропроцесорної техніки, вивченні сучасних пакетів програм програмування промислових контролерів та програм для моніторингу стану обладнання. Цього можна досягти використовуючи програмовані логічні контролери (Programmable Logic Controller).
Nowadays the question is upgrading and replacing existing relay control systems modern industrial microprocessor systems, in particular, to automate common tasks of craft production. In this regard, the need to modernize and develop new stands on a modern microprocessor technology, improving the methods of working with them, the study of modern software packages programming controllers and software for monitoring equipment, process automation of common tasks of craft production. This can be achieved using programmable logic controllers (Programmable Logic Controller). Conducted studies aimed to examine the state of modern computer technology to automate common tasks guild level of production, including reviewing the available modern technology to automate common tasks craft production levels and identify areas using modern technology to automate common tasks of craft production. There is the key areas of improvement of production is the creation and effective use of automated systems, which are based on extensive use of electronic computers (computers) that allows you to automate common tasks in the workplace. In the process of automating common tasks craft production levels can be used programmable logic controllers (Programmable Logic Controller). There is an example of automating common tasks of craft production using programmable logic controller Zelio Logik.
Nowadays the question is upgrading and replacing existing relay control systems modern industrial microprocessor systems, in particular, to automate common tasks of craft production. In this regard, the need to modernize and develop new stands on a modern microprocessor technology, improving the methods of working with them, the study of modern software packages programming controllers and software for monitoring equipment, process automation of common tasks of craft production. This can be achieved using programmable logic controllers (Programmable Logic Controller). Conducted studies aimed to examine the state of modern computer technology to automate common tasks guild level of production, including reviewing the available modern technology to automate common tasks craft production levels and identify areas using modern technology to automate common tasks of craft production. There is the key areas of improvement of production is the creation and effective use of automated systems, which are based on extensive use of electronic computers (computers) that allows you to automate common tasks in the workplace. In the process of automating common tasks craft production levels can be used programmable logic controllers (Programmable Logic Controller). There is an example of automating common tasks of craft production using programmable logic controller Zelio Logik.
Ключові слова
техніка мікропроцесорна, стенд, середовище програмування, контролер промисловий, пакет програм, контролер логічний, реле інтелектуальне, programming environment, intelligent relay, Zelio Logik
Бібліографічний опис
Бонденко Т. В. Автоматизація типових задач цехового рівня виробництва / Т. В. Бонденко // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Темат. вип. : Нові рішення в сучасних технологіях. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ". – 2015. – № 14 (1123). – С. 114-119.