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Разработана архитектура управляемой системы с возможностью полномасштабной параметрической оптимизации. Установлено, что это возможно, если функции преобразования и буферизации технологического продукта выполняют разные системы. Синтезирована архитектура системы преобразования на примере технологического процесса нагрева жидкости. Установлено, что системы с непрерывной подачей – выдачей сырьевого продукта являются частным случаем полностью управляемых систем с архитектурой, обеспечивающей возможность оптимального управления.
Study of current controlled systems and scientific publications has shown that the architecture of controlled systems, related to the products conversion is based on the principle of austerity and, in general, does not provide the possibility of implementing a full parametric optimization. The product conversion system structure was synthesized based on the liquid portion heating system is synthesized. The system is presented in the form of interconnected simple mechanisms. It is experimentally found that systems with continuous feed - release of raw product are a special case of fully controllable systems with the architecture that provides the optimal control possibility. The developed models were tested and examined in specially designed free software constructor EFFLI. Link to the current model of the controlled system is available in the text.
Study of current controlled systems and scientific publications has shown that the architecture of controlled systems, related to the products conversion is based on the principle of austerity and, in general, does not provide the possibility of implementing a full parametric optimization. The product conversion system structure was synthesized based on the liquid portion heating system is synthesized. The system is presented in the form of interconnected simple mechanisms. It is experimentally found that systems with continuous feed - release of raw product are a special case of fully controllable systems with the architecture that provides the optimal control possibility. The developed models were tested and examined in specially designed free software constructor EFFLI. Link to the current model of the controlled system is available in the text.
Бібліографічний опис
Луценко И. А. Синтез структуры системы преобразования технологических продуктов / И. А. Луценко // Вестник Нац. техн. ун-та "ХПИ" : сб. науч. тр. Темат. вып. : Механико-технологические системы и комплексы. – Харьков : НТУ "ХПИ". – 2015. – № 21 (1130). – С. 45-50.