Визначення факторів, які впливають на вибір пасажирами виду приміського транспорту
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Проведено дослідження факторів, які впливають на вибір пасажирами виду приміського транспорту. На підставі даних натурних обстежень проведено оцінку значущості для пасажирів факторів вибору виду приміського транспорту. Проведено аналіз факторів. Виявлено, що при виборі виду приміського транспорту для пасажирів найбільш важливі час руху, вартість проїзду та час очікування транспорту. Виявлені фактори у подальшому можна використовувати при ви-значенні закономірностей вибору пасажирами виду приміського пасажирського транспорту.
This article discusses the choice of mode of transport passengers for transportation in suburban traffic. The analysis methods for process control carriage of passengers in suburban showed that they do not fully take into account the influence of the parameters of the transport process to choose the mode of transport passengers for travel. The studies were aimed at determining the importance of passenger factors that influence their choice of the type of suburban passenger transport. The study was conducted on the basis of survey data of passengers on factors modal choice and the importance of these factors. To evaluate the consistency of expert opinion was used coefficient of concordance Kendel and the value of its statistical significance. Revealed that the choice of the type of suburban passenger transport services for passengers in the first place, it is important when driving. The second important factor is the cost of travel. The next most important factor is the waiting time of transport. Less significant were the criteria trip without a transplant, while driving to the stopping point, comfort, capacity, occupancy, traffic safety, appearance and cleanliness of the interior transport, downtime at intermediate stops, service culture, ease of landing and landing, technical equipment of the vehicle, the presence of alternative modes of transportation, availability and environmental benefits of the vehicle. Factors identified can then be used in determining patterns of species selection passengers suburban transport.
This article discusses the choice of mode of transport passengers for transportation in suburban traffic. The analysis methods for process control carriage of passengers in suburban showed that they do not fully take into account the influence of the parameters of the transport process to choose the mode of transport passengers for travel. The studies were aimed at determining the importance of passenger factors that influence their choice of the type of suburban passenger transport. The study was conducted on the basis of survey data of passengers on factors modal choice and the importance of these factors. To evaluate the consistency of expert opinion was used coefficient of concordance Kendel and the value of its statistical significance. Revealed that the choice of the type of suburban passenger transport services for passengers in the first place, it is important when driving. The second important factor is the cost of travel. The next most important factor is the waiting time of transport. Less significant were the criteria trip without a transplant, while driving to the stopping point, comfort, capacity, occupancy, traffic safety, appearance and cleanliness of the interior transport, downtime at intermediate stops, service culture, ease of landing and landing, technical equipment of the vehicle, the presence of alternative modes of transportation, availability and environmental benefits of the vehicle. Factors identified can then be used in determining patterns of species selection passengers suburban transport.
Ключові слова
приміське сполучення, вид транспорту, фактори, коефіцієнт конкордації, commuter, mode of transport, factor, coefficient of concordance
Бібліографічний опис
Григорова Т. М. Визначення факторів, які впливають на вибір пасажирами виду приміського транспорту / Т. М. Григорова, Ю. О. Давідіч, В. К. Доля // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Темат. вип. : Механіко-технологічні системи та комплекси. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ". – 2015. – № 21 (1130). – С. 29-37.