Отрицательная обратная связь по параметру в гомеостатической колебательной системе
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Статья посвящена нахождению наиболее общего уравнения колебаний, обусловленных отрицательной обратной связью в системе. Казалось, что классический аппарат гармонического анализа имеет универсальный характер для описания колебаний и что теория колебаний имеет завершенный характер. Однако наблюдения колебаний в сложных гомеостатических системах показали, что существует необходимость в поиске новых подходов к их описанию. В частности, в нашей работе показано, что в случае гомеостатической физиологической системы регуляции уровня глюкозы в крови человека его уровень адекватно воспроизводится решением дифференциального уравнения 1-го порядка с запаздывающим аргументом.
The article is devoted to discovering the most general equation of oscillations, depending on negative invers relation in system. Until recently it appeared that classic apparatus of harmonic analysis have the universal character for the description of oscillations. But the oscillations in homeostatic systems have proved that it is not. Homeostatic systems and fluctuations in them as opposed to simple co-vibrational systems in mechanics and electrical engineering is necessary to investigate, first in general, gradually moving inland to the extent of their understanding. In particular, in our paper it was shown that in the case of homeostatic physiological system regulating the level of glucose in the blood level of his adequately reproduced solution of the differential equation of 1st order with retarded argument. It is of interest to find out the possible types of transients due to negative feedback in it, to determine the physical meaning of conditions for the existence of oscillations in the system in its most general form, to identify and explore the most general equation of these oscillations.
The article is devoted to discovering the most general equation of oscillations, depending on negative invers relation in system. Until recently it appeared that classic apparatus of harmonic analysis have the universal character for the description of oscillations. But the oscillations in homeostatic systems have proved that it is not. Homeostatic systems and fluctuations in them as opposed to simple co-vibrational systems in mechanics and electrical engineering is necessary to investigate, first in general, gradually moving inland to the extent of their understanding. In particular, in our paper it was shown that in the case of homeostatic physiological system regulating the level of glucose in the blood level of his adequately reproduced solution of the differential equation of 1st order with retarded argument. It is of interest to find out the possible types of transients due to negative feedback in it, to determine the physical meaning of conditions for the existence of oscillations in the system in its most general form, to identify and explore the most general equation of these oscillations.
Бібліографічний опис
Лапта С. С. Отрицательная обратная связь по параметру в гомеостатической колебательной системе / С. С. Лапта, Л. А. Поспелов, О. И. Соловьёва // Вестник Нац. техн. ун-та "ХПИ" : сб. науч. тр. Темат. вып. : Новые решения в современных технологиях. – Харьков : НТУ "ХПИ". – 2014. – № 36 (1079). – С. 66-72.