Теоретическое определение шероховатости поверхности при высокоскоростном фрезеровании и шлифовании
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Аналитически установлено, что высокоскоростное фрезерование располагает значительными технологическими возможностями с точки зрения уменьшения шероховатости поверхности при одновременном увеличении производительности обработки. Установлено также, что при шлифовании уменьшение шероховатости поверхности связано с уменьшением производительности. Наиболее прогрессивным методом шлифования, обеспечивающим одновременно увеличение производительности и уменьшение шероховатости поверхности, является глубинное шлифование с небольшой скоростью детали, которое характеризуется меньшей производительностью по сравнению с высокоскоростным фрезерованием.
The paper presents the results of theoretical studies of the surface roughness during milling and grinding. It is shown that high-speed milling has significant technological capabilities in terms of reducing surface roughness, because cutting data parameters are included in the calculated dependencies obtained to determine surface roughness with higher degrees than during grinding. This applies in particular to the speed of rotation of the cutter. Therefore, with its increase, it becomes possible to significantly reduce the surface roughness while increasing the processing capacity, which opens up broad prospects for the practical use of high-speed milling. It is established that during grinding, a decrease in surface roughness is associated with a decrease in productivity, and this reduces the efficiency of processing. The most progressive method of grinding, providing b oth an increase in productivity and a reduction in surface roughness, is deep-grinding at a low speed of the part. However, it is characterized by lower productivity in comparison with high-speed milling.
The paper presents the results of theoretical studies of the surface roughness during milling and grinding. It is shown that high-speed milling has significant technological capabilities in terms of reducing surface roughness, because cutting data parameters are included in the calculated dependencies obtained to determine surface roughness with higher degrees than during grinding. This applies in particular to the speed of rotation of the cutter. Therefore, with its increase, it becomes possible to significantly reduce the surface roughness while increasing the processing capacity, which opens up broad prospects for the practical use of high-speed milling. It is established that during grinding, a decrease in surface roughness is associated with a decrease in productivity, and this reduces the efficiency of processing. The most progressive method of grinding, providing b oth an increase in productivity and a reduction in surface roughness, is deep-grinding at a low speed of the part. However, it is characterized by lower productivity in comparison with high-speed milling.
Ключові слова
цилиндрическая фреза, шлифовальный круг, производительность обработки, окончательная обработка, технологическая операция, cylindrical mill, grinding wheel, surface roughness, processing performance, final processing, technological operation
Бібліографічний опис
Полянский В. И. Теоретическое определение шероховатости поверхности при высокоскоростном фрезеровании и шлифовании / В. И. Полянский // Вісник Національного технічного університету "ХПІ". Сер. : Інноваційні технології та обладнання обробки матеріалів у машинобудуванні та металургії = Bulletin of National Technical University "KhPI". Ser. : Innovative technologies and equipment handling materials in mechanical engineering and metallurgy : зб. наук. пр. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2018. – № 30 (1306). – С. 58-62.