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Решена задача вибродиагностики зубчатых передач, в том числе, газотурбинных двигателей, методом кинематометрии. Разработана и апробирована математическая модель фазовой модуляции сигнала вибраций зубчатой передачи, параметры которой чувствительны к величине линейной деформации зуба в процессе передачи крутящего момента. Адекватность модели проверялась в процессе анализа сигнала датчика поперечных горизонтальных вибраций ведущей шестерни заднегоредуктора двигателя ТВ3 – 117ВМА – СБМ1. Результаты экспериментальных исследований позволяют прогнозировать адекватность математической модели не хуже 0,9.
The task of vibration diagnostic of gear box, particularly gas-turbine engine gear box is decided. A mathematical model the parameters of that are sensible to the size of tooth linear deformation and tooth speed in the process of flowage is worked out and approved. The mathematics model was verified by analysis of the horizon transverse vibrometr sensor data on primary gear frequency of the turboshaft engine TV3 – 117VMA – SBM1. The results of experimental researches allow to forecast adequacy of mathematical model not worse 0,9. The model calculation algorithm software processes data of the regular gearbox vibrometers. This software can supplement the next generation onboard diagnostic systems for engine operation on condition. The software that implements the algorithm for calculating the model works with regular vibration sensor signal housing GTE and may complement the on-board (or bench) automatic analysis system technical condition of gears GTE fifth and sixth generations.
The task of vibration diagnostic of gear box, particularly gas-turbine engine gear box is decided. A mathematical model the parameters of that are sensible to the size of tooth linear deformation and tooth speed in the process of flowage is worked out and approved. The mathematics model was verified by analysis of the horizon transverse vibrometr sensor data on primary gear frequency of the turboshaft engine TV3 – 117VMA – SBM1. The results of experimental researches allow to forecast adequacy of mathematical model not worse 0,9. The model calculation algorithm software processes data of the regular gearbox vibrometers. This software can supplement the next generation onboard diagnostic systems for engine operation on condition. The software that implements the algorithm for calculating the model works with regular vibration sensor signal housing GTE and may complement the on-board (or bench) automatic analysis system technical condition of gears GTE fifth and sixth generations.
Бібліографічний опис
Виброкинематометрия зубчатых передач / В. Н. Журавлёв [и др.] // Вестник Нац. техн. ун-та "ХПИ" : сб. науч. тр. Темат. вып. : Проблемы механического привода. – Харьков : НТУ "ХПИ". – 2015. – № 35 (1144). – С. 56-60.