Маллеинизация олеиновой кислоты в мягких условиях
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Рассмотрена маллеинизация непредельных жирных кислот на примере олеиновой кислоты в условиях отличных от промышленных с целью снижения энергозатрат и получения более чистого продукта. Предположен механизм взаимодействия олеиновой кислоты с малеиновым ангидридом в среде неполярных апротонных растворителей через образование изополярного шестицентрового промежуточного состояния. Показаны все возможные продукты маллеинизации и их практическое применение. Определены оптимальные параметры технологии маллеинизации олеиновой кислоты. Рекомендована сфера применения продуктов взаимодействия малеинового ангидрида с олеиновой кислотой в промышленности.
The possibility of malleinization of oleic acid under mild conditions is considered. These conditions are all different from the melt with the temperature lower than 150-300° C. By these conditions are correspond to - the use of a catalyst and the use of aprotic organic solvents. On the example of titanium (IV) chloride in the melt and in organic solvents it is shown that the use of catalysts such as Lewis acid leads to the formation of copolymers of reagents. This can be used for production of the drying oils. Temperature condition in this case was reduced to 50° C. Isomeric adducts of maleic anhydride and oleic acid were obtained based on the assumption that organic aprotic solvents increase the rate of the ene interactions. All of these products have a practical value, as surface-active substances. They are encouraged to use as dispersants. Mechanism of interaction of maleic anhydride and oleic acid in organic solvents is proposed. The optimum parameters of malleinization of oleic acid in the technic perchloroethylene are defined and technology is developed.
The possibility of malleinization of oleic acid under mild conditions is considered. These conditions are all different from the melt with the temperature lower than 150-300° C. By these conditions are correspond to - the use of a catalyst and the use of aprotic organic solvents. On the example of titanium (IV) chloride in the melt and in organic solvents it is shown that the use of catalysts such as Lewis acid leads to the formation of copolymers of reagents. This can be used for production of the drying oils. Temperature condition in this case was reduced to 50° C. Isomeric adducts of maleic anhydride and oleic acid were obtained based on the assumption that organic aprotic solvents increase the rate of the ene interactions. All of these products have a practical value, as surface-active substances. They are encouraged to use as dispersants. Mechanism of interaction of maleic anhydride and oleic acid in organic solvents is proposed. The optimum parameters of malleinization of oleic acid in the technic perchloroethylene are defined and technology is developed.
Бібліографічний опис
Ал-Хаддад А. Дж. Т. Маллеинизация олеиновой кислоты в мягких условиях / А. Дж. Т. Ал-Хаддад, Е. В. Киселёва-Логинова, Е. В. Попов // Вестник Нац. техн. ун-та "ХПИ" : сб. науч. тр. Темат. вып. : Механико-технологические системы и комплексы. – Харьков : НТУ "ХПИ". – 2015. – № 36 (1145). – С. 75-80.