Формализация пространства управления проектами

dc.contributor.authorСавельева, Оксана Степановнаru
dc.contributor.authorСтановский, Александр Леонидовичru
dc.contributor.authorСтановская, Ираида Ивановнаru
dc.contributor.authorБерезовская, Екатерина Игоревнаru
dc.contributor.authorХеблов, Исмаилru
dc.contributor.authorГурьев, Иван Николаевичru
dc.contributor.authorСаух, Игорь Анатольевичru
dc.description.abstractДля эффективного применения физических аналогий при оптимизации непредвиденных ресурсных потоков в проектной среде, возникающих, например, при реализации рисковых событий, необходимо наличие адекватной дискретной адаптивной модели пространства управления проектами. Предложено построение такой модели с помощью виртуальных элементов с переменной проницаемостью и емкостью. Модель реализована при строительстве энергосооружений с положительным техническим эффектом.ru
dc.description.abstractFor the effective use of physical analogies in the optimization of emergency resource flows in the project environment, arising, for example, the implementation of risk events must have an adequate discrete adaptive model of space project management. The proposed building such a model using virtual elements with variable permeability and capacity. Project management like any other strategic process is subject to careful planning to ensure the effective implementation of all the work under the proje ct within the specified timeframe. Unfortunately, the project activity does not develop "according to plan", responding thus to the many risk events that occur under the influence of the turbulent environment. The vitality of a project is reduced, until the complete stop of the project. In this respect, project management should respond to risk events quickly, frequently, in the case of force majeure, no time for a thorough analysis of the situation and adoption of effective solutions to eliminate the effects of planned and, especia lly, the "surprise" of risk events. The analysis of methods and means of project management processes and programs formalized the concept of "adaptive discrete environment project activities" in the form of a hypercube in eleven space -time, defined the elements of the environment and their properties. The developed method of on-line geometrical adaptation of the structure of the elements of the environment to the real needs of the optimization processes, with the Express design of logistics flows, aimed at minimizing losses during the realization of risk events. Tests in Corporation "UNION" showed: the project execution period is reduced by 11 %; the cost of implementation of the project was reduced to 1.25 %; the amount of risk, which managed to be prevented – 17 %.en
dc.identifier.citationФормализация пространства управления проектами / О. С. Савельева [и др.] // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Сер. : Нові рішення в сучасних технологіях = Bulletin of National Technical University "KhPI" : coll. of sci. papers. Ser. : New solutions in modern technologies. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2016. – № 42 (1214). – С. 154-159.ru
dc.publisherНТУ "ХПИ"ru
dc.subjectпроектные рискиru
dc.subjectресурсные потокиru
dc.subjectфизические аналогииru
dc.subjectпроектная средаru
dc.subjectстроительство энергосооруженийru
dc.subjectproject risksen
dc.subjectresource flowen
dc.subjectphysical analogyen
dc.subjectmodel of space project managementen
dc.titleФормализация пространства управления проектамиru
dc.title.alternativeThe project management space formalizationen


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