Моделирование и анализ колебаний корпуса турбины 500 мВт вблизи основной моды вертикальных колебаний
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Национальный технический университет "Харьковский политехнический институт"
Проведено моделирование системы турбоагрегат-фундамент-основание с паротурбинной установкой мощностью 500 МВт. Для исследования выбрана система с паровой турбиной, которая содержит несколько типовых корпусов. Построены геометрические и расчетные модели. Проведены расчеты вынужденных колебаний наиболее гибких корпусов паровой турбины в диапазоне частот близких к основной моде, которая характеризуется максимальными вертикальными колебаниями. Расчеты и моделирование выполнено методом конечных элементов. Определены места наибольших амплитуд колебаний на внешних стенках корпусов паровой турбины. По результатам расчетов определены причины повышенных вибраций.
The problem of increased vibration of the most flexible housingsof a steam turbine of a power unit of 500 MW is considered. The main cause of the increased vibration of the steam turbine is the unbalance of the rotor and insufficient rigidity of the elements of the system. A case study is considered where the centering of the rotors did not significantly changethe vibration parameters. Thepur-pose of this work was to simulate the forced oscillations of low pressure cylinder housings in a turbine-foundation system witha tur-bine capacity of 500 MW, and to investigate the causes of their increased vibration. The studies were carried out using the oscillation method, the finite element method, as well as the methods developed by the author to construct models and conduct oscillation studies of the turbine-foundation system. As a result of the studies, a three-dimensional finite element model of the turbine-foundation-base system was obtained. The amplitude-frequency dependences for the points of the low-pressure cylinder housingswere obtained. The conducted research made it possible to draw conclusions about the causes of increased vibration of the rotors of the steam turbine. The type of developed three-dimensional models of the tour-bin-foundation-base system isunique. Due to the features of this model, it is possible to study the vibrational processes at the level, which allows you to analyze the vibrations of almost all elements of the system. For individual studies, further specification of the parts of the system important for the task is needed. The study made it pos-sible to conclude on the causes of increased vibration of the upper parts of the steam turbine housings. Due to the unique features of the developed model, it is possible to study vibration processes at a level that allows you to analyze the vibrations of complex ele-ments of the system. The practical value of the work carried out is a clear tool for the development of specialized models for the in-vestigation of the forced oscillations of the turbine-foundation-base system, as well as the solution of a practical problem toanalyze the causes of increased vibration of individual complex systems of the elements. The results of the realized work were used to develop measures to improve the vibration state and reability of power units with steam turbines with a capacity of 500 MW.
The problem of increased vibration of the most flexible housingsof a steam turbine of a power unit of 500 MW is considered. The main cause of the increased vibration of the steam turbine is the unbalance of the rotor and insufficient rigidity of the elements of the system. A case study is considered where the centering of the rotors did not significantly changethe vibration parameters. Thepur-pose of this work was to simulate the forced oscillations of low pressure cylinder housings in a turbine-foundation system witha tur-bine capacity of 500 MW, and to investigate the causes of their increased vibration. The studies were carried out using the oscillation method, the finite element method, as well as the methods developed by the author to construct models and conduct oscillation studies of the turbine-foundation system. As a result of the studies, a three-dimensional finite element model of the turbine-foundation-base system was obtained. The amplitude-frequency dependences for the points of the low-pressure cylinder housingswere obtained. The conducted research made it possible to draw conclusions about the causes of increased vibration of the rotors of the steam turbine. The type of developed three-dimensional models of the tour-bin-foundation-base system isunique. Due to the features of this model, it is possible to study the vibrational processes at the level, which allows you to analyze the vibrations of almost all elements of the system. For individual studies, further specification of the parts of the system important for the task is needed. The study made it pos-sible to conclude on the causes of increased vibration of the upper parts of the steam turbine housings. Due to the unique features of the developed model, it is possible to study vibration processes at a level that allows you to analyze the vibrations of complex ele-ments of the system. The practical value of the work carried out is a clear tool for the development of specialized models for the in-vestigation of the forced oscillations of the turbine-foundation-base system, as well as the solution of a practical problem toanalyze the causes of increased vibration of individual complex systems of the elements. The results of the realized work were used to develop measures to improve the vibration state and reability of power units with steam turbines with a capacity of 500 MW.
Ключові слова
система турбоагрегат-фундамент-основание, метод конечных элементов, собственные частоты и формы колебаний, фундамент, turbounit-foundation-base system, finite element method, own frequencies and forms of oscillations, foundation
Бібліографічний опис
Красников С. В. Моделирование и анализ колебаний корпуса турбины 500 мВт вблизи основной моды вертикальных колебаний / С. В. Красников // Вісник Національного технічного університету "ХПІ". Сер. : Динаміка і міцність машин = Bulletin of the National Technical University "KhPI". Ser. : Dynamics and Strength of Machines : зб. наук. пр. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2019. – № 2. – С. 30-34.