Интерпретация метода баланса работ при определении силовых параметров прокатки
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Предложена интерпретация метода баланса работ при решении задач теории прокатки. Теоретически определены составляющие баланса работ сил, воздействующих на металл при плоской деформации полосы в ходе процесса прокатки. Получены значения истинного коэффициента подпора. Представлены графические сравнения уточненного предельного значения коэффициента подпора и относительного среднего давления при прокатке высоких полос, с ранее известными результатами. Полученные результаты использованы при расчете силовых параметров безоправочной продольной прокатки труб.
The development of the “Mechanical Work Balance” Method at solving of Theory of Rolling Tasks is offered in this study. Force elements of that Balance, that impact on the Metal at flat Rolling are theoretically derivated here. Amounts of true values of Back Compression factor are calculated. Furthermore, in this paper the calculated limit value of Back-Compression and the Relative Rolling Pressure for high plates are graphically compared with known values of these parameters. Results of this study allow to consider the inhomogeneity of strain in cross section of deformation zone. Offered “Mechanical Work Balance” Method is sensible to Friction Coefficient, Form Factor of deformation zone, and their influence on Average Rolling Pressure. That Method is verified for wide range of geometries of deformation zone. “Mechanical Work Balance” Method is appropriated for the case, then direction of outer force is coincided to the Major Strain direction. Inner forces are directed oppositely here. The examples of application of that Method for rolling of relatively thin and thick strips is given. It is shown, that the slicking zone in case of rolling or thin strips covers whole length of deformation zone. The values of Back-Compression coefficient were verified for different geometries of deformation zone. They could be applied to the all stages of seamless tubes rolling, including the Plugless Tubes Rolling.
The development of the “Mechanical Work Balance” Method at solving of Theory of Rolling Tasks is offered in this study. Force elements of that Balance, that impact on the Metal at flat Rolling are theoretically derivated here. Amounts of true values of Back Compression factor are calculated. Furthermore, in this paper the calculated limit value of Back-Compression and the Relative Rolling Pressure for high plates are graphically compared with known values of these parameters. Results of this study allow to consider the inhomogeneity of strain in cross section of deformation zone. Offered “Mechanical Work Balance” Method is sensible to Friction Coefficient, Form Factor of deformation zone, and their influence on Average Rolling Pressure. That Method is verified for wide range of geometries of deformation zone. “Mechanical Work Balance” Method is appropriated for the case, then direction of outer force is coincided to the Major Strain direction. Inner forces are directed oppositely here. The examples of application of that Method for rolling of relatively thin and thick strips is given. It is shown, that the slicking zone in case of rolling or thin strips covers whole length of deformation zone. The values of Back-Compression coefficient were verified for different geometries of deformation zone. They could be applied to the all stages of seamless tubes rolling, including the Plugless Tubes Rolling.
Бібліографічний опис
Интерпретация метода баланса работ при определении силовых параметров прокатки / Ю. Г. Гуляев [и др.] // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Сер. : Інноваційні технології та обладнання обробки матеріалів у машинобудуванні та металургії = Bulletin of National Technical University "KhPI" : coll. sci. papers. Ser. : Innovative technologies and equipment handling materials in mechanical engineering and metallurgy. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2017. – № 43 (1265). – С. 72-85.