Щодо визначення об'єму робочого баку електричного водонагрівача ємнісного типу
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Електричні водонагрівачі є великим резервом в системах керування електричним навантаженням з метою оптимізаціх режиму роботи систем електропостачання. В статті виконаний розрахунок щодо визначення об’єму робочого баку електричного водонагрівача ємнісного типу в умовах, коли включення установки відбувається один раз на добу у зоні «провалу» споживання енергосистеми та при цьому забезпечується добова потреба у гарячій воді споживачів.
In the article the calculation of capacity type electric aquatic heater working tank volume determination is executed in the conditions when including of setting takes a place one time in days in the area of grid consumption «failure» and day's requirement is here provided in hot water of users. Determination of electric aquatic heater working tank volume was made with the purpose of management potential possibility realization by him, that the use of setting as an user-regulator. For determination of volume statistical information was collected on the consumption of hot water for apartments with a different quantity and demographic composition. The statistical processing of data was further conducted, general expression is got for determination of working tank volume taking into account the amount of persons, resident in one apartment. On the basis of the got expression the calculation volumes of electric aquatic heater working tank were certain for families from 2 –6 persons, and also the proper are resulted them nominal volumes, produced electric aquatic heaters in industry.
In the article the calculation of capacity type electric aquatic heater working tank volume determination is executed in the conditions when including of setting takes a place one time in days in the area of grid consumption «failure» and day's requirement is here provided in hot water of users. Determination of electric aquatic heater working tank volume was made with the purpose of management potential possibility realization by him, that the use of setting as an user-regulator. For determination of volume statistical information was collected on the consumption of hot water for apartments with a different quantity and demographic composition. The statistical processing of data was further conducted, general expression is got for determination of working tank volume taking into account the amount of persons, resident in one apartment. On the basis of the got expression the calculation volumes of electric aquatic heater working tank were certain for families from 2 –6 persons, and also the proper are resulted them nominal volumes, produced electric aquatic heaters in industry.
Бібліографічний опис
Лазуренко О. П. Щодо визначення об'єму робочого баку електричного водонагрівача ємнісного типу / О. П. Лазуренко, Г. І. Черкашина // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Темат. вип. : Енергетика: надійність та енергоефективність. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2014. – № 56 (1098). – С. 83-89.