Моделирование процесса перехода в трубах со спиральным гофрированием
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Проведено прямое численное моделирование неизотермического течения на начальных участках гладкой трубы и трубы с гофрированными вставками различной геометрии при переходных числах Рейнольдса. Проанализировано возникновение и развитие колебательных процессов в гладкой трубе и трубах с гофрированными вставками. Исследованы особенности структуры вихревого движения и изменения гидро-динамических параметров в гофрированных вставках разной геометрии. Определена степень влияния угла наклона гофрирования к оси трубы на гидродинамические процессы в потоке в следе после гофрированной вставки.
A direct numerical simulation of non-isothermal flow in the initial sections of a smooth pipe and a pipe with corrugated inserts of various geometry at transitional Reynolds numbers was carried out. The formation and development of a three-dimensional unsteady flow structure in a smooth tube and tubes with corrugated inserts were analyzed. The structure of the flow and the nature of changes in the hydrodynamic parameters inside the corrugated insert were investigated. The influence of corrugation geometry on the flow mixing and the nature of hydrodynamic parameters distribution in the flow after the corrugated insert were analyzed. An increase in hydraulic losses of up to 9% in tubes with corrugated inserts compared to a smooth tube was observed and its dependence on the geometry of corrugation was studied.
A direct numerical simulation of non-isothermal flow in the initial sections of a smooth pipe and a pipe with corrugated inserts of various geometry at transitional Reynolds numbers was carried out. The formation and development of a three-dimensional unsteady flow structure in a smooth tube and tubes with corrugated inserts were analyzed. The structure of the flow and the nature of changes in the hydrodynamic parameters inside the corrugated insert were investigated. The influence of corrugation geometry on the flow mixing and the nature of hydrodynamic parameters distribution in the flow after the corrugated insert were analyzed. An increase in hydraulic losses of up to 9% in tubes with corrugated inserts compared to a smooth tube was observed and its dependence on the geometry of corrugation was studied.
Ключові слова
течение в трубе, переходные числа Рейнольдса, вихревые возмущения, неизотермический поток, частичное гофрирование, transitional Reynolds numbers, vortex disturbances, non-isothermal flow
Бібліографічний опис
Воропаев Г. А. Моделирование процесса перехода в трубах со спиральным гофрированием / Г. А. Воропаев, А. А. Баскова // Вісник Національного технічного університету "ХПІ". Сер. : Математичне моделювання в техніці та технологіях = Bulletin of the National Technical University "KhPI". Ser. : Mathematical modeling in engineering and technologies : зб. наук. пр. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2019. – № 8 (1333). – С. 75-81.