Учебная мотивация абитуриентов НТУ "ХПИ": материалы социологического исследования
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Исследования, проведенные социологической лабораторией НТУ "ХПИ" в 2000 - 2007 годах, обусловлены необходимостью установления обратной связи между студентом и вузом, а так же проблемной ситуацией, сложившейся вследствие существующих противоречий между жизненными и профессиональными планами абитуриентов и недостаточной подготовкой молодёжи к осознанному и обоснованному выбору профессии. В данной статье представлены некоторые данные социологических исследований, отражающие мотивы получения абитуриентами высшего образования, выбора вуза и специальности.
The research carried out by the sociological laboratory of the NTU "KhPI" in 2000-2007 were conditioned by the necessity to establish inverse links between the students and the university as well as a problematic situation which took shape due to the existing contradictions between school-leavers life and professional plans and insufficient preparation of young people for realized and conditioned choice of their career. The present article produces some data of the sociological research, which reflect the motives for getting university education by school-leavers, their chose of university and specialty.
The research carried out by the sociological laboratory of the NTU "KhPI" in 2000-2007 were conditioned by the necessity to establish inverse links between the students and the university as well as a problematic situation which took shape due to the existing contradictions between school-leavers life and professional plans and insufficient preparation of young people for realized and conditioned choice of their career. The present article produces some data of the sociological research, which reflect the motives for getting university education by school-leavers, their chose of university and specialty.
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Бібліографічний опис
Масалов А. Г. Учебная мотивация абитуриентов НТУ "ХПИ": материалы социологического исследования / А. Г. Масалов // Вестник Нац. техн. ун-та "ХПИ" : сб. науч. тр. Темат. вып. : Философия. – Харьков : НТУ "ХПИ", 2008. – № 11. – С. 104-109.