Влияние параметров неровности дороги на расход топлива
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Проведен анализ учета состояния дороги в нормативно-правовой базе Украины. Рассмотрено взаимодействие колеса и подвески автомобиля с поверхностью реальной дороги. Получены аналитические зависимости потери энергии, мощности и расхода топлива от геометрических характеристик профиля дорожного полотна. Получены графические зависимости изменения нормы расхода топлива для разных параметров неровности дороги и скорости автомобиля. Даны рекомендации по совершенствованию методики нормирования расхода топлива на автомобильном транспорте, которые учитывают степень неровности дороги.
The state of roads in the country does not meet international and state requirements. Road conditions of the operation of cars are poorly taken into account in the regulatory framework of Ukraine. The quantitative indicators of the longitudinal profile of the road are not taken into account in the current method of fuel metering on road transport. The purpose of the work is to determine the effect of road profile parameters on fuel consumption. The interaction of the wheel and the suspension of the car with the surface of the actual road is considered. The analytical dependences of energy loss, power and fuel consumption on the geometric characteristics of the road surface are obtained. It is suggested to use the following indicators: the height of the uneven, the distance between the uneven, the degree of steepness of unevenness. The chassis of the car was characterized by: the force of friction in the springs, the coefficients of damping in the shock absorbers and tires, the stiffness of the tires. Two types of description of the irregularities were considered: the equations of harmonic and exponential. The graphic dependences of the fuel consumption rate change for different parameters of road irregularity and vehicle speed are obtained. Recommendations on perfection of the method of fuel valuation on motor transport are given, which take into account the degree of equality of the road.
The state of roads in the country does not meet international and state requirements. Road conditions of the operation of cars are poorly taken into account in the regulatory framework of Ukraine. The quantitative indicators of the longitudinal profile of the road are not taken into account in the current method of fuel metering on road transport. The purpose of the work is to determine the effect of road profile parameters on fuel consumption. The interaction of the wheel and the suspension of the car with the surface of the actual road is considered. The analytical dependences of energy loss, power and fuel consumption on the geometric characteristics of the road surface are obtained. It is suggested to use the following indicators: the height of the uneven, the distance between the uneven, the degree of steepness of unevenness. The chassis of the car was characterized by: the force of friction in the springs, the coefficients of damping in the shock absorbers and tires, the stiffness of the tires. Two types of description of the irregularities were considered: the equations of harmonic and exponential. The graphic dependences of the fuel consumption rate change for different parameters of road irregularity and vehicle speed are obtained. Recommendations on perfection of the method of fuel valuation on motor transport are given, which take into account the degree of equality of the road.
Ключові слова
транспортное средство, условия эксплуатации, дорожные условия, подвеска автомобиля, материальные ресурсы, vehicle, fuel consumption, operating conditions, road conditions
Бібліографічний опис
Кривошапов С. И. Влияние параметров неровности дороги на расход топлива / С. И. Кривошапов // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Сер. : Автомобіле- та тракторобудування. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2017. – № 13 (1235). – С. 51-55.