Влияние варьирования проектных параметров на прочностные и жесткостные характеристики корпусов легкобронированных машин
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В статье на тестовом примере бронетранспортера БТР-80 поставлена и решена задача структурной и параметрической оптимизации тонкостенной машиностроительной конструкции. Для решения данной задачи задействован метод исследования поверхностей отклика с применением методов линеаризации, билинеаризации, и кусочно-полиномиальной аппроксимации базисными функциями Эрмита в ходе построения математических моделей. В результате исследований нашли подтверждения тенденции изменения оцениваемых характеристик конструкции в ответ на варьирование параметров ее элементов, а также на введение новых конструктивных элементов. Определено, что более точные аппроксимации получаются при применении метода аппроксимации функциями Эрмита. Методы линейной и билинейной аппроксимации дают большую погрешность в зонах резкого изменения функций отклика.
In the article the problem of structural and parametric optimization of thin-walled engineering design is formulated and solved on the test example of the BTR-80. The stress-strain state of the BTR-80 hull with the base panel thickness 6 mm with the introduction of reinforcing channel bars and uprights in the area of tower module attachment and varying their thickness is analysed. The area of construction requiring reinforcement was determined based on the results of its stress state preliminary analysis by means of the finite element method. As a test load was applied force of 1 kN acting along the vertical axis down. The influence of the other forces and moments components can be taken into account due to the fact that the stress-strain state of the hull is studied in an elastic formulation and superposition principle is valid in this case. The method of response surface studying using linearization, bilinearization and piecewise polynomial approximation by Hermit’s basis functions methods in the process of the building of mathematical models is applied for solve this problem.
In the article the problem of structural and parametric optimization of thin-walled engineering design is formulated and solved on the test example of the BTR-80. The stress-strain state of the BTR-80 hull with the base panel thickness 6 mm with the introduction of reinforcing channel bars and uprights in the area of tower module attachment and varying their thickness is analysed. The area of construction requiring reinforcement was determined based on the results of its stress state preliminary analysis by means of the finite element method. As a test load was applied force of 1 kN acting along the vertical axis down. The influence of the other forces and moments components can be taken into account due to the fact that the stress-strain state of the hull is studied in an elastic formulation and superposition principle is valid in this case. The method of response surface studying using linearization, bilinearization and piecewise polynomial approximation by Hermit’s basis functions methods in the process of the building of mathematical models is applied for solve this problem.
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Бібліографічний опис
Влияние варьирования проектных параметров на прочностные и жесткостные характеристики корпусов легкобронированных машин / М. А. Чубань [и др.] // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Темат. вип. : Проблеми механічного приводу = Bulletin of National Technical University "KhPI" : coll. of sci. papers. Ser. : Problem of mechanical drive. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2016. – № 23 (1195). – С. 149-155.