Підвищення ефективності керування системою електроживлення на основі використання контекстних даних
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В статті розглянута побудова контекстно-залежної системи керування електроспоживанням, що виконує
задачі, пов’язані із прогнозуванням та інтелектуальним реагуванням на дії всіх електроустановок, об’єднаних за
допомогою перетворювачів в єдине інформаційне середовище, з метою раціонального використання енергії, оперативного
керування штатними та аварійними режимами роботи SmartGrid з урахуванням вимог забезпечення комфортності
The current state of energy requires the development of new efficient approaches to coordinated management of the generation, conversion, accumulation and consumption of electrical energy in power systems of different levels, including for power systems built on the basis of the SmartGrid concept. The integration of electrical devices into a single system with the provision of a given quality of electric power consumption is achieved by using converter devices that allow the generators and consumers of energy dissimilar in the physical principle to unite in one network on the basis of the context. This system can manage large amounts of energy related data and have to be able to react in correct way when conditions real-time changes. The main goals are the construction of a context-dependent power management system that performs tasks related to forecasting and intelligent response to the actions of all electrical installations combined with converters into a single information environment for the purpose of rational energy use, operational management of normal and emergency modes of SmartGrid operation with regard to requirements for user comfort. The control system should be able to rationally manages energy, efficiently control normal and emergency conditions and to take into account the user comfort. Context-aware energy management system as a complex information processing system integrates such organization levels as: Renewable sources of energy; Power converters; Electrical devices; Digital sensors; User tasks.
The current state of energy requires the development of new efficient approaches to coordinated management of the generation, conversion, accumulation and consumption of electrical energy in power systems of different levels, including for power systems built on the basis of the SmartGrid concept. The integration of electrical devices into a single system with the provision of a given quality of electric power consumption is achieved by using converter devices that allow the generators and consumers of energy dissimilar in the physical principle to unite in one network on the basis of the context. This system can manage large amounts of energy related data and have to be able to react in correct way when conditions real-time changes. The main goals are the construction of a context-dependent power management system that performs tasks related to forecasting and intelligent response to the actions of all electrical installations combined with converters into a single information environment for the purpose of rational energy use, operational management of normal and emergency modes of SmartGrid operation with regard to requirements for user comfort. The control system should be able to rationally manages energy, efficiently control normal and emergency conditions and to take into account the user comfort. Context-aware energy management system as a complex information processing system integrates such organization levels as: Renewable sources of energy; Power converters; Electrical devices; Digital sensors; User tasks.
Ключові слова
контекстно-залежне керування, пусковий режим, відпрацювання збурень, комфортність, навантаження, context-aware system, power supply system, starting mode, perturbation processing
Бібліографічний опис
Вербицький Є. В. Підвищення ефективності керування системою електроживлення на основі використання контекстних даних / Є. В. Вербицький, А. Г. Кисельова, Г. Д. Кисельов // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Сер. : Нові рішення в сучасних технологіях = Bulletin of National Technical University "KhPI" : coll. works. Ser. : New solutions in modern technologies. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2017. – № 7 (1229). – С. 123-130.