Покращання енергетичних показників електротехнічних систем із застосуванням пошукової оптимізації на комп'ютерних моделях

dc.contributor.authorЯгуп, Катерина Валеріївнаuk
dc.description.abstractДисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора технічних наук за спеціальністю 05.09.03 – електротехнічні комплекси та системи. – Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", Харків, 2018. Розглядаються методи оптимізації режимів систем електропостачання з несиметричними і нелінійними навантаженнями з метою підвищення енергетичних показників і розрахунку симетро-компенсуючих пристроїв. Обґрунтовано необхідність і можливість застосування комп'ютерних засобів, розроблено узагальнені алгоритми реалізації пошукової оптимізації. Розроблені методи успішно застосовані для оптимізації режимів в трипровідних і чотирипровідних системах, в тому числі в системах з взаємно-зв'язаними індуктивностями, в системах залізничного електропостачання, в системі з нейтралером, в системах живлення асинхронних двигунів, освітлювальних приладів високого тиску, в системах з силовими активними фільтрами, а також для випадків кількох навантажень з урахуванням вкладу кожного з них в зниження енергетичних показників системи.uk
dc.description.abstractThesis for a Doctor’s degree in Engineering Science by specialty 05.09.03 – Electrical Engineering Complexes and Systems. – National Technical University "Kharkov Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2018. The dissertation is devoted to the development and research of optimization methods of power supply systems modes in electrotechnical systems with asymmetric and nonlinear loads in order to increase the energy indices and calculate the parameters of symmetry-compensating devices using mathematical and computer models, and using search engine optimization implemented with the use of modern software of computer mathematics. The necessity and the possibility of using computer tools for solving set tasks are substantiated. The generalized algorithms for implementing search engine optimization using modern software packages are developed. The possibilities of applying different optimization criteria for solving the problems of increasing the energy indices of power supply systems with asymmetric and nonlinear loads are shown. The properties of the search engine optimization system have been found to extrude the inappropriate element of the synthesized device, as well as the possibility of releasing the optimization variables by increasing their amount, which allows us to get ahead of a faster locating of the local minimum and then recalculate the parameters corresponding to the global minimum are shown. The developed method of search optimization using the models of power supply systems has been successfully applied for optimization of regimes and synthesis of symmetry-compensating devices in three-phase three-wire and four-wire systems of power supply. The possibilities of using the optimization tools for Mathcad and Matlab software packages are considered, in particular, using zero-order methods that do not require the calculation of derivatives, such as the deformed polyhedron method and the conjugate gradient method. The algorithm of load equivalence is proposed, with the help of which the symmetrical and asymmetric parts of the load are allocated. After this, the parameters of the balancing device are determined with sufficient accuracy by means of the Steinmetz and Kennely formulas. The method of currents direct symmetric component rotation with the preservation of symmetry and the mode of full reactive power compensation is proposed. For four-wire systems, the use of a generalized reactive element in a symmetry-compensating device is proposed, which accelerates the process of achieving the optimal solution. The method of determining the optimal mode based on the decomposition of the power supply system, which improves the convergence of the solution processes, is developed. Systems of power supply containing inductively coupled elements are considered. The calculation of the symmetry-compensating device of the traction system of the alternating current railway power supply is considered. A four-wire system with a neutralizer was studied, with the help of search engine optimization the parameters of the symmetry-compensating device were determined which allows to balance and counterbalance such a system. The possibilities of optimization of the regime in the power system of asynchronous motors, including the asymmetry of the supply network, are shown. Compensation of reactive power allows here to reduce the consumed currents and increase the efficiency of the system. To find the optimal modes of systems with an arc discharge, visual models have been developed that are adapted for use with the SimPowerSystem library elements. With the help of these models, the possibilities of increasing the power indices of arc discharge power supply systems, including high-pressure lighting devices, are investigated. It was shown that the optimization of the power factor alone, calculated with the help of the pro-posed methods, leads to decrease in the current consumed by the fundamental harmonic, which substantially reduces the losses in the transmission lines. For a thyristor compensator with single-stage switching, the advantage of symmetric control is proven, which greatly improves the spectrum of harmonics of supply currents. The use of the search optimization method to increase the power factor is shown without the use of traditional rather complicated control systems by power active filters. Comparison signals are used as control signals, synchronized with the phase voltages of the supply system. The amplitudes of these signals are accepted as optimization variables, and the optimization criterion is determined by the balance of active power in the system, which is characterized by the stabilization of the periodic voltage on the storage capacitor of the power active filter. The problems of synthesis of symmetric-compensating devices for several asymmet-rical loads in parallel and cascade connection are considered. The task is to determine the parameters of the symmetric-compensating devices for each of the loads separately, and the contribution to the creation of asymmetry and the generation of reactive power of each connected load must be taken into account. This problem is solved by the method of search optimization, and it is shown that, in forming the objective function, currents in the feeders, supplying energy from the point of connection of the load to the network to the common point of connection of the load and the symmetric-compensating device. It is effective to use the developed decomposition method, which makes it possible to simplify and accelerate the determination of the optimal regime of the system under study, taking into account the contribution of each load to the reduction of the energy parameters of the system as a whole. The case is also analyzed when two loads consisting of both unbalanced linear and nonlinear loads are simultaneously connected to the network. Optimization of the regime with increasing power factor is achieved by using a parallel power active filter with control over the proposed optimization algorithm. Methods and algorithms of search optimization developed for the purposes of increasing the energy indicators of power supply systems with asymmetric and nonlinear consumers developed and presented in the thesis work are characterized by high accuracy, the maximum possible use of computer technology, low computer time and the possibility of complete automation of design and research procedures in solving theoretical and practical tasks related to increasing energy performance and quality of electrical energy in power supply systems.en
dc.identifier.citationЯгуп К. В. Покращання енергетичних показників електротехнічних систем із застосуванням пошукової оптимізації на комп'ютерних моделях [Електронний ресурс] : автореф. дис. ... д-ра техн. наук : спец. 05.09.03 / Катерина Валеріївна Ягуп ; [наук. консультанти: Харченко В. Ф., Щербак Я. В.] ; Нац. техн. ун-т "Харків. політехн. ін-т". – Харків, 2018. – 39 с. – Бібліогр.: с. 31-36. – укр.uk
dc.publisherНТУ "ХПІ"uk
dc.subjectелектротехнічна системаuk
dc.subjectнесиметрія струмів і напругuk
dc.subjectреактивна потужністьuk
dc.subjectсиметро-компенсуючий пристрійuk
dc.subjectсиловий активний фільтрuk
dc.subjectзмінні оптимізаціїuk
dc.subjectкритерій оптимізаціїuk
dc.subjectенергетичні показникиuk
dc.subjectавтореферат дисертаціїuk
dc.subjectelectrical systemen
dc.subjectpower supply systemen
dc.subjectcurrents and voltages asymmetryen
dc.subjectreactive poweren
dc.subjectsymmetry-compensating deviceen
dc.subjectpower active filteren
dc.subjectoptimization variableen
dc.subjectoptimization criterionen
dc.subjectpower qualityen
dc.subjectenergy indicesen
dc.titleПокращання енергетичних показників електротехнічних систем із застосуванням пошукової оптимізації на комп'ютерних моделяхuk
dc.title.alternativeImprovement of energy indices of electrotechnical systems with the use of search engine optimization on computer modelsen
thesis.degree.advisorХарченко Віктор Федоровичuk
thesis.degree.advisorЩербак Яків Васильовичuk
thesis.degree.committeeMemberКлепіков Володимир Борисовичuk
thesis.degree.committeeMemberСокол Євген Івановичuk
thesis.degree.committeeMemberОсичев Олександр Васильовичuk
thesis.degree.departmentСпеціалізована вчена рада Д 64.050.04uk
thesis.degree.discipline05.09.03 – електротехнічні комплекси та системиuk
thesis.degree.grantorНаціональний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут"uk
thesis.degree.levelдокторська дисертаціяuk
thesis.degree.nameдоктор технічних наукuk


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