Импедансная спектроскопия в исследовании свойств анодного оксида ниобия
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Методом электрохимической импедансной спектроскопии определены эквивалентные схемы, элементы которых характеризуют основные свойства синтезированных АОП. Выявлена взаимосвязь условий формирования оксида ниобия с его морфологическими особенностями и полупроводниковыми свойствами для осуществления направленного синтеза анодных оксидных пленок с заданными характеристиками и управляемой геометрией пор. Определены факторы, влияющие на морфологию поверхности синтезированных оксидных пленок и исследованы их свойства.
Intensive researches are presently conducted on creation of the porous nanostructured oxides of transitional materials among that particular interest presents the oxide of niobium. This is due to several of its functional properties, such as biocompatibility, photocatalytic activity, which hold the promise of practical use of nano-structured niobium oxide in many areas. By electrochemical impedance spectroscopy to determine the equivalent circuit elements which characterize the basic properties of the synthesized anodic oxide films. It maybe to form anodic tape on niobium, being an array of the nanotubes, oriented athwart подложке, having anamorphous structure or crystalline, possessing superficial porosity, the method of the electrochemical oxidizing.
Intensive researches are presently conducted on creation of the porous nanostructured oxides of transitional materials among that particular interest presents the oxide of niobium. This is due to several of its functional properties, such as biocompatibility, photocatalytic activity, which hold the promise of practical use of nano-structured niobium oxide in many areas. By electrochemical impedance spectroscopy to determine the equivalent circuit elements which characterize the basic properties of the synthesized anodic oxide films. It maybe to form anodic tape on niobium, being an array of the nanotubes, oriented athwart подложке, having anamorphous structure or crystalline, possessing superficial porosity, the method of the electrochemical oxidizing.
Бібліографічний опис
Ляшок Л. В. Импедансная спектроскопия в исследовании свойств анодного оксида ниобия / Л. В. Ляшок, Ю. В. Мирошниченко // Вестник Нац. техн. ун-та "ХПИ" : сб. науч. тр. Темат. вып. : Химия, химическая технология и экология. – Харьков : НТУ "ХПИ". – 2014. – № 51 (1093). – С. 146-151.