Розподіл інтенсивності деформацій при куванні бойками з випуклим профілем
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Запропоновано новий технологічний процес кування пустотілих поковок вирізними бойками зі скосами. Досліджувалися різні кути скосів бойків (10, 20 і 30 градусів) і довжини горизонтальних ділянок цих бойків. При кутах скоса бойків в 10° і вузьких деформуючих крайках відбувається рівномірний розподіл деформацій в об’ємі поковки. Раціональною геометрією інструменту є бойки з кутом скосів 10...20° і величиною подачі b / D = 0,1. Хвилястість поверхні отвору не перевищує величину припуску на механічну обробку.
A new process of forging hollow forgings by cut-out dies with bevels was proposed. Simulation of the forging process using finite element method has allowed to establish the strain distribution and the mechanism of forming of the worKhPIece and closing of the hollow for the new technology for a new tool geometry. Various angles of the dies bevels (equal to 10, 20 and 30 degrees), value of the feed and the horizontal length of the dies have being studied. It was found the general rule for the investigated schemes forging is that when broaching hollow worKhPIeces with a hole diameter d0 / D = 0,1 occurs closing of the hole at reduction of more than 40%. At the dies bevel angles of 10° and the narrow deforming-edges there is an uniform distribution of the stain in the forging volume. Rational geometry of a tool is truncated dies with the bevels angle 10...20° and the amount of feed d0 / D = 0,1. The waviness of the hole surface does not exceed the allowance for machining, that will ensure obtaining predetermined size without forging mandrel. Intensity closing of the holes is the same for different reductions for regular size ratios of the worKhPIece. For the relative hole of diameter worKhPIece d0 / D = 0,1 the rational for uniform strain distribution and less degree of the closing is angle α = 900 at an angle of bevel β = 200. The hole of the worKhPIece closing at reduction more than 40%, it’s the using of scheme forging worKhPIeces with hollow mandrel at a thick wall (d0 / D = 0,1). The waviness of the hole surface does not exceed the allowance for machining, that will ensure obtaining predetermined size without forging mandrel.
A new process of forging hollow forgings by cut-out dies with bevels was proposed. Simulation of the forging process using finite element method has allowed to establish the strain distribution and the mechanism of forming of the worKhPIece and closing of the hollow for the new technology for a new tool geometry. Various angles of the dies bevels (equal to 10, 20 and 30 degrees), value of the feed and the horizontal length of the dies have being studied. It was found the general rule for the investigated schemes forging is that when broaching hollow worKhPIeces with a hole diameter d0 / D = 0,1 occurs closing of the hole at reduction of more than 40%. At the dies bevel angles of 10° and the narrow deforming-edges there is an uniform distribution of the stain in the forging volume. Rational geometry of a tool is truncated dies with the bevels angle 10...20° and the amount of feed d0 / D = 0,1. The waviness of the hole surface does not exceed the allowance for machining, that will ensure obtaining predetermined size without forging mandrel. Intensity closing of the holes is the same for different reductions for regular size ratios of the worKhPIece. For the relative hole of diameter worKhPIece d0 / D = 0,1 the rational for uniform strain distribution and less degree of the closing is angle α = 900 at an angle of bevel β = 200. The hole of the worKhPIece closing at reduction more than 40%, it’s the using of scheme forging worKhPIeces with hollow mandrel at a thick wall (d0 / D = 0,1). The waviness of the hole surface does not exceed the allowance for machining, that will ensure obtaining predetermined size without forging mandrel.
Ключові слова
протягування, оправка, вирізні бойки, кут вирізу, кут скосу, ступінь деформації, величина подачі, ступінь обтиснення, forging, mandrel, drawing, concave dies, angle concave, bevel angle, degree of deformation, feed rate
Бібліографічний опис
Розподіл інтенсивності деформацій при куванні бойками з випуклим профілем / І. С. Алієв [та ін.] // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Темат. вип. : Інноваційні технології та обладнання обробки матеріалів у машинобудуванні та металургії = Bulletin of National Technical University "KhPI" : coll. of sci. papers. Ser. : Innovative technologies and equipment handling materials in mechanical engineering and metallurgy. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ". – 2015. – № 47 (1166). – С. 7-10.