Исследование термотропных перестроек гемоглобина
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Проведены исследования спектроскопических характеристик гемоглобина в интервале температур +5-+38оС. Рассмотрены температурные диапазоны, при которых происходит изменение конформации белка и содержания различных форм гемоглобина. При повышении температуры в эритроцитах и гемолизате наблюдается тенденция к уменьшению содержания оксиформы гемоглобина и увеличению содержания дезокси- и метформ гемоглобина, в гемолизате эта тенденция более выражена. Процесс перехода оксиформы в другие формы гемоглобина наблюдается при температурах выше +30оС для суспензии эритроцитов, выше +20оС для гемолизата и после +30-+35оС для гемоглобина. Библиогр.: 10 назв.
The researches of spectroscopic characteristics of hemoglobin in the range of temperatures +5-+38oC are conducted. Temperature ranges at which there is a change of conformation of protein a nd of the different forms of hemoglobin contents are considered. At temperature increase in erythrocytes and in hemolysate the tendency to reduction of the oxyhemoglobin contents and to increase of the deoxy- and methemoglobin contents are observed, in a hemolysate this tendency is more expressed, apparently, it is connected with existence of the destroyed membrances of erythrocytes in a hemolysate. Transition process of oxyhemoglobin in deoxy- and methemoglobin is well expressed at temperatures over +30oC for suspension of the erythrocytes, higher than +20oC for a hemolysate and after +30-+35oC for hemoglobin. At temperature increase oxyhemoglobin in erythrocytes and in hemolysate passes in deoxy- and methemoglobin, and in a hemolysate it generally passes in methemoglobin. Change of different forms of hemoglobin contents about +30oC is connected with conformational changes of protein part of hemoglobin. At temperatures about +10oC and +30oC the intensity of light scattering of a globin changes and at the same temperatures changes the intensity of maximum of the first derivative of absorption spectra of a globin. In hemoglobin at temperatures above +30-+35oC there is reduce oxyhemoglobin contents and increase deoxy- and methemoglobin contents. Besides, in hemoglobin during heating the oxyhemoglobin quantity changes a little, and in erythrocytes and in hemolysate (where there are membranes of erythrocytes), transition of oxyhemoglobin in deoxy- and methemoglobin is observed. It means that membranes of erythrocytes are decisive factor for transition of oxyhemoglobin in deoxy- and methemoglobin.
The researches of spectroscopic characteristics of hemoglobin in the range of temperatures +5-+38oC are conducted. Temperature ranges at which there is a change of conformation of protein a nd of the different forms of hemoglobin contents are considered. At temperature increase in erythrocytes and in hemolysate the tendency to reduction of the oxyhemoglobin contents and to increase of the deoxy- and methemoglobin contents are observed, in a hemolysate this tendency is more expressed, apparently, it is connected with existence of the destroyed membrances of erythrocytes in a hemolysate. Transition process of oxyhemoglobin in deoxy- and methemoglobin is well expressed at temperatures over +30oC for suspension of the erythrocytes, higher than +20oC for a hemolysate and after +30-+35oC for hemoglobin. At temperature increase oxyhemoglobin in erythrocytes and in hemolysate passes in deoxy- and methemoglobin, and in a hemolysate it generally passes in methemoglobin. Change of different forms of hemoglobin contents about +30oC is connected with conformational changes of protein part of hemoglobin. At temperatures about +10oC and +30oC the intensity of light scattering of a globin changes and at the same temperatures changes the intensity of maximum of the first derivative of absorption spectra of a globin. In hemoglobin at temperatures above +30-+35oC there is reduce oxyhemoglobin contents and increase deoxy- and methemoglobin contents. Besides, in hemoglobin during heating the oxyhemoglobin quantity changes a little, and in erythrocytes and in hemolysate (where there are membranes of erythrocytes), transition of oxyhemoglobin in deoxy- and methemoglobin is observed. It means that membranes of erythrocytes are decisive factor for transition of oxyhemoglobin in deoxy- and methemoglobin.
Бібліографічний опис
Пих Л. А. Исследование термотропных перестроек гемоглобина / Л. А. Пих, Н. Н. Тимченко, В. Е. Новикова // Вестник Нац. техн. ун-та "ХПИ" : сб. науч. тр. Темат. вып. : Новые решения в современных технологиях. – Харьков : НТУ "ХПИ". – 2014. – № 48 (1090). – C. 148-153.