Охлаждение паровых турбин
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Изложены основные принципы охлаждения высокотемпературных паровых турбин и конструктивные решения, заложенные при создании первой в мире охлаждаемой паровой турбины СКР-100 (Р-100-300), а также некоторые результаты её эксплуатации и выводы из них. Эта турбина мощностью 100 МВт на начальные параметры пара около 30 МПа, 650 С с противодавлением 3 МПа была изготовлена Харьковским турбинным заводом в 1961 г. и успешно работала на Каширской ГРЭС до 1979 г., когда была выведена из эксплуатации во вполне рабочем состоянии.
The basic principles of the cooling of high-temperature steam turbines, and constructive solution used for the creation of the world’s first cooled steam turbine SKR-100 (R-100-300) and some of its operational results and their conclusions are expounded. Principal differences are shown between thermodynamic properties of cooling medium in steam and gas turbines as well as reactive fulfilment prefer of steam turbine cooled cylinder flow parts. Some of the turbine operational results and their conclusions are expounded. This turbine had the power of 100 MW, initial steam parameters about 30 MPa, 650 C, and back pressure 3 MPa. It was created by Kharkov turbine plant in 1961 and ran successfully at Kashira GRES.
The basic principles of the cooling of high-temperature steam turbines, and constructive solution used for the creation of the world’s first cooled steam turbine SKR-100 (R-100-300) and some of its operational results and their conclusions are expounded. Principal differences are shown between thermodynamic properties of cooling medium in steam and gas turbines as well as reactive fulfilment prefer of steam turbine cooled cylinder flow parts. Some of the turbine operational results and their conclusions are expounded. This turbine had the power of 100 MW, initial steam parameters about 30 MPa, 650 C, and back pressure 3 MPa. It was created by Kharkov turbine plant in 1961 and ran successfully at Kashira GRES.
Бібліографічний опис
Аркадьев Б. А. Охлаждение паровых турбин / Б. А. Аркадьев // Вестник Нац. техн. ун-та "ХПИ" : сб. науч. тр. Темат. вып. : Энергетические и теплотехнические процессы и оборудование. – Харьков : НТУ "ХПИ". – 2015. – № 15 (1124). – С. 76-85.