Физика обратимых отказов полупроводниковых структур при воздействии электромагнитных помех
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Национальный технический университет "Харьковский политехнический институт"
Определены механизмы появления неустойчивостей собственных колебаний полупроводниковых структур, обусловленных
их взаимодействием с потоками заряженных частиц в условиях влияния внешнего электромагнитного излучения. Показано,
что влияние импульсного электромагнитного излучения сопровождается возникновением токов в проводящих элементах
изделий и возникновением их внутренних полей. Разработана теория безстолкновительного затухания поверхностных поляритонов в квантовом и классическом приближениях. Изучены механизмы затухания поверхностных плазмонов в условиях, когда температура носителей проводящих твердых тел много меньше энергии плазмона(квантовое приближение). Получены выражения для декрементов поверхностных плазмонов при наличии бесконечно высокого и бесконечно малого потенциального барьера на границе раздела сред. Исследованы процессы затухания поверхностных колебаний, когда взаимодействие волн и частиц носит характер случайных столкновений и описывается методом вторичного квантования системы(представление чисел заполнения). Получено кинетическое уравнение, описывающее изменение числа поверхностных плазмонов в результате их взаимодействия с электронами проводимости; приведены его решения, определяющие декремент колебаний и мощность спонтанного излучения частиц. Обоснована физическая модель возникновения обратимых отказов(влияния наведенных электромагнитным излучением токов на вольт- амперные характеристики полупроводниковых приборов). Определены области параметров внешнего электромагнитного излучения, при которых реализуется данная физическая модель.
Mechanisms of occurrence of instabilities ofnatural oscillations of semiconductor structures, caused by their interaction withfluxes of charged particles in conditions of influence of external electromagnetic radiation are determined. It is shown that influence of pulsed electromagnetic radiation is accompanied by occurrence of currents in conducting elements of articles and by advent of their internal fields. The theory of collisionless damping of surface polaritons in quantum and classic approximations has been developed. Mechanisms of damping of surfaceplasmons have been studied in conditions when temperature of carriers of conducting rigid bodyis much lower than plasmon energy (quantum approximation). Expressions for decrements of surface plasmons in presence of infinitely high and infinitely low potential barrier atinterface were obtained. The processes of damping of surface oscillations when interaction of waves and particles has character of random collisions and is described by method of secondary quantization of system (occupation number representation) were investigated. Kinetic equation describing change of the number of surface plasmons as a result of their interaction with conduction electrons was obtained; its solutions determining decrement of oscillations and power of spontaneous radiation of particles are presented. Physical model of origin of reversible failures (of influence of currents induced by electromag-netic radiation on volt-ampere characteristics of semiconductor devices) was substantiated. Domains of parameters of external electromagnetic radiation, for those this physical model is realized, were determined.
Mechanisms of occurrence of instabilities ofnatural oscillations of semiconductor structures, caused by their interaction withfluxes of charged particles in conditions of influence of external electromagnetic radiation are determined. It is shown that influence of pulsed electromagnetic radiation is accompanied by occurrence of currents in conducting elements of articles and by advent of their internal fields. The theory of collisionless damping of surface polaritons in quantum and classic approximations has been developed. Mechanisms of damping of surfaceplasmons have been studied in conditions when temperature of carriers of conducting rigid bodyis much lower than plasmon energy (quantum approximation). Expressions for decrements of surface plasmons in presence of infinitely high and infinitely low potential barrier atinterface were obtained. The processes of damping of surface oscillations when interaction of waves and particles has character of random collisions and is described by method of secondary quantization of system (occupation number representation) were investigated. Kinetic equation describing change of the number of surface plasmons as a result of their interaction with conduction electrons was obtained; its solutions determining decrement of oscillations and power of spontaneous radiation of particles are presented. Physical model of origin of reversible failures (of influence of currents induced by electromag-netic radiation on volt-ampere characteristics of semiconductor devices) was substantiated. Domains of parameters of external electromagnetic radiation, for those this physical model is realized, were determined.
Бібліографічний опис
Физика обратимых отказов полупроводниковых структур при воздействии электромагнитных помех / В. В. Князев [и др.] // Вісник Національного технічного університету "ХПІ". Сер. : Техніка та електрофізика високих напруг = Bulletin of the National Technical University "KhPI". Ser. : Technique and Electrophysics of High Voltage : зб. наук. пр. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2019. – № 18. – С. 26-30.