Вивчення процесів видалення твердої фази з води з використанням часток магнетиту
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Досліджено ефективність видалення з водного середовища твердих часток з використанням суспензії магнетиту, отриманого методом хімічної конденсації. Вивчено вплив на ефективність процесу очищення води коагулянтів та флокулянтів, водневого показника, природи твердої фази, порядку додавання реагентів. Встановлені найбільш ефективні реагенти для обробки стічних вод процесів переробки макулатури та визначені їх дози.
The results of research of the water treatment method effectiveness using high-dispersion magnetite particles were given. It was found that the treatment of wastewater after wastepaper recycling process, which contains a wide range of solid pollutants, using only the magnetite particles was ineffective. The pH adjustment can decrease residual content of solid phase in the treated water but it prevents reuse of such water. Best results can be obtained using additional reagents. Top coagulant efficiency was recorded for Ferric Sulfate (II) and Ferric Chloride (III). The Aluminum coagulants were ineffective. With increasing of iron compounds doses above 200–250 mg/dm3 the water treatment efficiency decrease. The flocculants, especially in combination with coagulants, can be high effective in water treatment processes. Considering different solid phase composition and properties, the class, brand and applying conditions for additional reagents should be selected in each case. It can provide an effective use of magnetite particles for treatment of wastewater after wastepaper recycling process.
The results of research of the water treatment method effectiveness using high-dispersion magnetite particles were given. It was found that the treatment of wastewater after wastepaper recycling process, which contains a wide range of solid pollutants, using only the magnetite particles was ineffective. The pH adjustment can decrease residual content of solid phase in the treated water but it prevents reuse of such water. Best results can be obtained using additional reagents. Top coagulant efficiency was recorded for Ferric Sulfate (II) and Ferric Chloride (III). The Aluminum coagulants were ineffective. With increasing of iron compounds doses above 200–250 mg/dm3 the water treatment efficiency decrease. The flocculants, especially in combination with coagulants, can be high effective in water treatment processes. Considering different solid phase composition and properties, the class, brand and applying conditions for additional reagents should be selected in each case. It can provide an effective use of magnetite particles for treatment of wastewater after wastepaper recycling process.
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Радовенчик В. М. Вивчення процесів видалення твердої фази з води з використанням часток магнетиту / В. М. Радовенчик, Я. В. Радовенчик // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Темат. вип. : Механіко-технологічні системи та комплекси. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ". – 2014. – № 40 (1083). – С. 119-125.