Асинхронные двигатели с секционированными внутренними и внешними роторами для привода газовых и жидкостных нагнетателей
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На основе метода безразмерных показателей технического уровня с относительными геометрическими управляемыми переменными
получены аналитические зависимости определения оптимальных геометрических соотношений по критериям минимумов массы, стоимости
и потерь электромагнитной системы асинхронных короткозамкнутых двигателей с секционированными внутренними и внешними роторами согласного и встречного вращения и выполнен сравнительный анализ по указанным показателям таких двигателей с традиционным и
обращенным аналогами.
The possibility of improving energy and resource saving of the ship electric drive of axial gas and liquid superchargers based on the combination of the conception of working impellers coaxiality and special induction motors with internal and external squirrel-cage rotors, that revolve tandem and counter, is considered. The aim of the research is an optimizational comparative analysis of sectionalized induction motors with internal and external rotors for the drive of mechanisms with tandem and counter coaxiality impellers based on the method of the relative indications of the technical level with relative geometric controlled variables. The integral part of the research is to study analytical dependences of mass, cost and power losses indications of the active part of sectionalized induction motors variants from theirs geometric dimensions. The equivalent circuit of sectionalized induction motor has been proposed. The analytical expressions for to determine mass, cost and basic аctive power losses of electromagnetic systems ofsectionalized induction motors have been obtained. Advisability of designing of sectionalized induction motors with tandem and counter internal rotorsfor the drive of axial gas and liquid superchargers have been shown and proved.
The possibility of improving energy and resource saving of the ship electric drive of axial gas and liquid superchargers based on the combination of the conception of working impellers coaxiality and special induction motors with internal and external squirrel-cage rotors, that revolve tandem and counter, is considered. The aim of the research is an optimizational comparative analysis of sectionalized induction motors with internal and external rotors for the drive of mechanisms with tandem and counter coaxiality impellers based on the method of the relative indications of the technical level with relative geometric controlled variables. The integral part of the research is to study analytical dependences of mass, cost and power losses indications of the active part of sectionalized induction motors variants from theirs geometric dimensions. The equivalent circuit of sectionalized induction motor has been proposed. The analytical expressions for to determine mass, cost and basic аctive power losses of electromagnetic systems ofsectionalized induction motors have been obtained. Advisability of designing of sectionalized induction motors with tandem and counter internal rotorsfor the drive of axial gas and liquid superchargers have been shown and proved.
Бібліографічний опис
Ставинский А. А. Асинхронные двигатели с секционированными внутренними и
внешними роторами для привода газовых и жидкостных нагнетателей / А. А Ставинский, О. О. Пальчиков // Вестник Нац. техн. ун-та "ХПИ" : сб. науч. тр. Темат. вып. : Электрические машины и электромеханическое преобразование энергии. – Харьков : НТУ "ХПИ". – 2015. – № 5 (1114). – С. 85-90.