Індикативна модель відхилень в проектах
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Запропонована індикативна модель відхилень в проектах, яка побудована на основі відомої моделі ІРМА Delta, що застосовується для оцінки організацій в області управління проектами. Показано, яким чином будуються шкали відхилень для окремих проектів з використанням когнітивних карт та моделей. Індикативна модель відхилень в проектах містить в собі 196 індикаторів та є розширенням моделі ІРМА Project Excellence.
The article shows the process of constructing the project deviations indicator model. It based on a conceptual model of project deviations integrated management (PDIM). During the project different causes (such as risks, changes, problems, crises, conflicts, stress) lead to deviations of integrated project indicators - time, cost, quality and content. For a more detailed definition of where in the project deviations occur and how they are dangerous for the whole project it is need to develop indicative model of project deviations. It allows to identify the most dangerous deviations that require PDIM. As a basis for evaluation of project success has been taken famous model IPMA Delta. During the evaluation IPMA Delta estimated project management competence of organization in three modules: I-Module ("Individuals") - a self-assessment personnel, P-module ("Projects") - self-assessment of projects and/or programs, and O-module ("Organization") - used to conduct interviews with selected people during auditing company. In the process of building a indicative model of deviations in the project the first step is the assessment of project management in the organization by IPMA Delta. In the future, built cognitive map and matrix of system interconnections of the project, which conducted simulations and built a scale of deviations for the selected project. They determined a size and place of deviations. To identify the detailed causes of deviations in the project management has been proposed to use the extended system of indicators, which is based on indicators of project management model Project Excellence. The proposed indicative model of deviations in projects allows to estimate the size of variation and more accurately identify the place of negative deviations in the project and provides the project manager information for operational decision making for the management of deviations in the implementation of the project.
The article shows the process of constructing the project deviations indicator model. It based on a conceptual model of project deviations integrated management (PDIM). During the project different causes (such as risks, changes, problems, crises, conflicts, stress) lead to deviations of integrated project indicators - time, cost, quality and content. For a more detailed definition of where in the project deviations occur and how they are dangerous for the whole project it is need to develop indicative model of project deviations. It allows to identify the most dangerous deviations that require PDIM. As a basis for evaluation of project success has been taken famous model IPMA Delta. During the evaluation IPMA Delta estimated project management competence of organization in three modules: I-Module ("Individuals") - a self-assessment personnel, P-module ("Projects") - self-assessment of projects and/or programs, and O-module ("Organization") - used to conduct interviews with selected people during auditing company. In the process of building a indicative model of deviations in the project the first step is the assessment of project management in the organization by IPMA Delta. In the future, built cognitive map and matrix of system interconnections of the project, which conducted simulations and built a scale of deviations for the selected project. They determined a size and place of deviations. To identify the detailed causes of deviations in the project management has been proposed to use the extended system of indicators, which is based on indicators of project management model Project Excellence. The proposed indicative model of deviations in projects allows to estimate the size of variation and more accurately identify the place of negative deviations in the project and provides the project manager information for operational decision making for the management of deviations in the implementation of the project.
Бібліографічний опис
Данченко О. Б. Індикативна модель відхилень в проектах / О. Б. Данченко // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Темат. вип. : Стратегічне управління, управління портфелями, програмами та проектами = Bulletin of National Technical University "KhPI" : coll. of sci. papers. Ser. : Strategic management, portfolio, program and project management. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2016. – № 1 (1173). – С. 43-46.